Chapter 8

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Tobias PV
We enter Dauntless Dinners and I notice Peter there. "Great" I say aloud in sarcasm.

Tris just hugs my tightly and then holds my hand. I think I saw fear in get eyes.

We sit down on booths far away from Peter. Me and Tris on one and Christina and Will on the other.

"What would you like?" The waitress asks. Tris and Christina both look at each other and nod there heads.

"Can we have 2 salads please" Christina says.

"K where good" Tris says and nods to herself.

"Are you sure u want salad? I ask.
"You see we are doing this new thing called staying in shape."

I smile and kiss her cheek. You are always in shape, and even if you weren't I would still love you. I whisper in her ear, and she blushes.

Everyone's looking at me cause it's my turn to order. "Ummm can I have the Dauntless special." "I would like one too please." Will says.

After the waitress leaves Peter comes to our booth.

"Hi Tris." He says with a smile. "You look good."

I stand up as soon as he said, "you look good.

"First of all I said that to her first,seconds and then I punch him where Tris did last time so I knew it would hurt a lot more.

Tris just smiles and giggles a little bit.

Then our food comes.

We talk about our old fraction and christa makes fun of Wills habit on eating food at night.

We go to the trains, and hop on. Then go to our apartments.

Thank you for reading 💘
Update coming soon.

Tris prior the model (divergent worldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ