V. Sisters

106 20 143

Her eyes flew open, only to adjust into nothingness.

She blinked a few times to look at anything that was present. She raised both her hands but her eyes failed to see them.

Giving up, she felt whatever both of her hands were resting on. She was sitting on a wooden chair with armrests. She got up and tried to make out anything that she could visualize in the abyss of never-ending darkness.

Where am I? How did I even reach here?

Her gaze roamed around whatever the place was to find any kind of light but there was none.

She decided to move to her right, slowly and steadily. Her arms stretched out so that if something tries to block her path, she won't collide head first.

Soon enough, her fingertips touched a damp, greasy wall. She turned to her right again as she reached the nook of it. Walking a couple of minutes more, and turning two more times, her hands felt a wooden intrusion in the concrete wall.

A door.

Her hands frantically searched for a lock or handle. A piece of chapped wood stuck her index finger of her left hand as a small oomph escaped her lips. Sure enough, she found a lock and pushed it.

But it didn't budge.

She tried again but to no avail. Licking her lips, she thought what else she could do. And then, like an afterthought, she decided to pull the door open.

And it did.

The door creaked open as the stench of humid, stale air hit her face. Bile rose in her throat due to the awful smell. She couldn't exactly pinpoint what the smell was. But it was nasty for sure.

It smelled rotten. Like death.

There was a huge window at the end of the seemingly long hallway and her eyes immediately squinted shut because of the blinding, white light. Her hands shielded her eyes as she stepped forward towards the large window.

Moonlight was penetrating through the glass window and slowly she removed her hands and surveyed her surroundings. It was indeed a long hallway with paint of the walls falling off.

It was cold, not chilling. A cold that seemed to seep through her bones and capture her soul, squeezing all the light of life out of her.

The stench got stronger as she walked forward and she could barely contain herself from emptying all of the food items in her stomach.

Reaching the window, she tried to open it but there was no lock or handle, unlike the door. She looked back at the door and saw it was shut again.

But she didn't remember shutting it close and neither did she hear the creak if it had closed on its own.

What's going on?

The right to the window was a dead-end. After about a metre, there was a solid brick wall with the same paint as the walls in the hallway.

She turned left. There was a slightly ajar door at about six feet from her. She had no option but to approach it.

Her legs carried her inside and the sudden temperature drop made her gasp.

What is this place? How am I even here?

A soft sniffling sound of someone's cries reached her ears. She tried to locate the source but it seemed to reverberate through the walls while echoes didn't help much either.

She was standing in a huge, empty hall. A broken fireplace with no wood was across from hers and another closed door was near it. Her eyes roamed around but there was nothing.

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