Part twenty-nine

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They had stood at the window for a couple of minutes, both just wanting to enjoy the comforting warmth and support of the other, before they had let go reluctantly and decided to have a little snack to calm their nerves. They had chatted about this and that, mainly the wedding, of course, for it was still so new and fresh in their minds and they nearly forgot what was to come afterwards. The time on the clock kept going on inexorably and the last lights from outside had long vanished when Tina failed in suppressing a yawn.

"Maybe we should...", Newt suggested when he saw it and felt how his nervousness returned.

"Yeah, maybe...", Tina agreed, no less stained, although both tried to hide it.

"You can go to the bathroom first", Newt said, "I'll see after my -", he broke off, suddenly realising that he hadn't brought his case with him. Tina had said that it wouldn't be a problem, but he had decided that he wanted to concentrate on her, and only her, during this weekend, so he had insisted on leaving it in Bunty's care. Now, however, he wished he had his creatures to distract him. "I'll...unpack", he said, for it was the only other occupation that came to his mind and he knew that he would go mad when he didn't do anything.

"Alright", Tina smiled and went through the room to get the case she would need for her evening routine. Newt looked after her when she took it and made her way to the bathroom door, where she turned around and gave him a last insecure smile before she disappeared inside.


Tina was leaned forward, supported herself with her hands on the edges of the washbasin and stared into the mirror. The calmness and composure of the last hours had vanished, leaving her more stained and agitated than ever before. She had already finished everything except for choosing her nightgown, but she needed a moment to gather herself before she could find the courage to go through what Queenie had packed. Looking back, it may not have been the best idea to let her sister plan everything that concerned Tina and her honeymoon, but as she herself didn't know anything about such things, she had considered it best to relay on Queenie's experience. With slightly trembling fingers Tina opened the zip of her case and looked down at its contents in horror: negligees in different colours piled up inside of it, one more low cut and nearly transparent than the other - unnecessary to mention that Tina had never seen one of them before, let alone owned anything like this...Queenie must have bought them, especially for this occasion. 

"Queenie!?", Tina cursed horrified as she rummaged through the case, desperately searching for something that she could possibly wear without fainting on the spot as soon as Newt saw her.

"Oh, thank God..", the breathed relieved when she finally found her familiar pyjamas on the bottom of the case - apparently Queenie hadn't been able to send her sister away without a sort of sheet-anchor, although she may have hoped that Tina wouldn't find it, because it was hidden under everything else in the case.

Finally finished, Tina put everything back into place and checked several times that the case was closed, so Newt wouldn't see its contents. Still very nervous, but a little more comfortable now that she wore what she was so used to, she took a deep breath and opened the door of the bathroom.


Newt was nowhere to be seen when she entered the bedroom. 

"Newt?", she called and heard his answer from somewhere else in the apartment.

"I've finished", she informed him.

"Alright, I go then", he called back, "won't take long", he added as she heard the bathroom door open and close again.

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