Part eighteen

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The room went silent when Theseus and Leta stepped onto a platform so they could be seen by everybody, both holding a glass of champagne in one hand, the other arm wrapped around each other. Tina threw a sideglance at Newt to see his reaction- his face was stiff, as if he had been paralysed, showing no emotion at all, but it told Tina enough. Supportively, she laid her hand on his arm and heard how he breathed out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family", Theseus began with his deep and powerful voice, letting his gaze wander over the people in front of him, "on behalf of my whole family and of course my beautiful wife-to-be, I would like to welcome you to our engagement party. We're all very glad to have you here to celebrate this happy event with us."

He turned away from the crowd, looking down at Leta with a loving smile.

"The moment I first laid eyes on her, I thought I may never have seen anything more wonderful. And from this second on, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my days with her, so she has made me the luckiest of men when she agreed to become my wife.."

"I am the lucky one..", Leta said, leaning her head against Theseus' chest, the crowd sighed in unison as he kissed her forehead.

"So let's all raise our glasses to the wonderful Miss Leta Lestrange, soon to become Mrs Theseus Scamander", Theseus called, raising his own glass like everybody else in the room. Even Newt participated, even though he didn't hold his glass as high as the others. Nevertheless, if Tina wasn't mistaken, he seemed slightly more relaxed, less stiff at least, his features more lively.

The chatter began to rise again, the general attention wandering from the pair in the middle of the room to their own conversations when Theseus and Leta stepped down from the platform.

"If you'll excuse me, I better go and bring them my congratulations", Dumbledore smiled at them. "It was very nice to meet you, Tina,..Newt", he nodded in his direction.

"Likewise", Tina said as Dumbledore turned around and made his way through the crowd.

"Would you care for a walk?", Newt asked abruptly. He had been silent since Theseus had started his speech, staring at a point in the air in front of him, obviously absent-minded. Even now he didn't look at Tina while he asked his question and Tina considered some fresh air and peaceful silence might be helpful to gather himself.

"Sure", she answered therefore, also happy to get a break from the party herself. They pushed themselves through the groups of people until they reached the door that led to the terrace and garden. No one noticed as they stepped outside, closing the door behind them. Tina was glad to be welcomed by the cold night air on her face, that cleared her head, hoping that it would have the same effect on Newt. They strolled through the garden for a while, enjoying the peace and silence - the paths were illuminated by lanterns, fixed in the trees that were planted on each side of the path. Their crowns had grown into each other over the years, intertwined their branches to form a tunnel. The only sound was the crunching of pebbles under their feet until Tina heard something that sounded like falling water in the distance. It came nearer and suddenly the tunnel ended, opening the night sky above them, as they stepped onto a round square with a fountain in the centre, splashing calmly. They sat down on a bench that stood at its side, listening, until Tina dared to break the silence.

"Are you alright?", she asked cautiously, looking at him, worried.

"O-of course...why do you ask?", Newt answered innocently, trying to manage a convincing smile. Tina gave him a reproachful look.

"I know you, Newt, don't think that you can hide it from me when you feel uncomfortable...", she told him firmly but empathetic. "I couldn't help to notice your reaction every time-..she is around...", Tina said, smiling sadly. Though she wasn't able to get out the name right now, her tone left no doubt about who she meant.

"No it''s not..-", Newt started, sounding slightly desperate.

"What? What is it?" Tina didn't want to cause him any pain by forcing him to tell her anything, but she had to clarify things once and for all, so she continued when he stayed silent.
"Talk to me..please..", she begged.

"It's...not what you're thinking...I-I just...-", he began, breaking off again and burying his face in his hands.

"Newt....? " He looked up as he heard the trembling in her voice. "Are you-....are you still in love with her?" Her voice was no more than a whisper, just loud enough for him to understand, tears glistening in her eyes.


Didn't check for faults, so sorry if there are more than usual, I was just too tired right now but wanted to update nevertheless.

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