Part five

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Sorry, no Niffler yet..

I already have the story in mind and originally planned to include it here, but this chapter became so long I decided to split it in two parts.

I hope you enjoy it nevertheless.

I'm thankful for everyone who cares to read it.


"Tina? Are you awake?", she heard Newt's voice through the door.

"Yes, come in."

He slowly opened the door, saw Tina sitting on her bed and stepped in hesitantly- he had never been in Tina's bedroom before and he felt a bit like he was penetrating in something private.

"Tina, I thought...maybe..we", he began, standing in the middle of the room, looking around, unsure how to proceed.

"Yes...ah, yes, of course, I guess it might be best if we....", Tina replied, a bit nervous, patting on the bed beside her to indicate him to sit down, as he still stood in front of her, slightly awkward.

"Well, last evening has really been..-", he started while he sat down next to Tina, however leaving an appropriate gap between them.

"Hasn't it?", she agreed, not really knowing what she wanted to say.

"-quite...eventful", Newt finished, avoiding to describe it more specifically.

"You could say that, yes", Tina just replied, hoping that he would be the first to take the next step.
And he did, after a few seconds of silence. 

"And...would you mind if we....repeated...our, um...actions?", he finally dared to ask, his eyes fixed on the floor in front of him.

"Not at all", Tina answered truthfully. She was glad that she wouldn't have to bring the topic up herself now.
"Would...Would you?", she added hesitantly.

"Me neither", he answered, smiling shyly to the floor.

Both relieved that the other didn't seem to regret what had happened, they raised their eyes, looking at each other, as Tina obviously remembered something. She glanced at her watch.

"Oh no, I'm very sorry, I don't want to leave, but, I should be going to work by now."
She smiled at him apologetically.

"Oh. You're right. Go on then, I don't want you to be late...", Newt replied, hiding his disappointment. He had totally forgotten that Tina had to work and wouldn't be able to spend the day with him.

"Will you be alright, Newt? The whole day, all on your own?", Tina asked, for he couldn't dissimulate it from her completely.

"Don't worry about me, I quite enjoy being alone from time to time, you know. And I have my creatures to keep me company", he told her, trying to sound convincing.

"Well, I'll see you this evening and.. I'd like to continue our talk're in agreement with that..", Tina tried to cheer up the atmosphere, but being so cautious not to show how she longed for their conversation, she sounded a bit more polite than she had intended.

"Of course", Newt replied, smiling weakly.

Tina arose from her bed and made her way to the door.

"Goodbye then", she said, turning around to face him a last time.
"See you later."

"Goodbye, Tina."

 Newt kept sitting on her bed for some time after she was gone, until he forced himself to get up and descend the ladder of his case to feed his creatures for breakfast.

He stayed in his case the whole day, pretending that he was working, while Tina sat in her office at MACUSA, neiter of them able to concentrate properly.

Salamander's EyesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora