Angry (Derek)

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This is right after that episode where Derek finds out Emily is actually alive and he's literally been working non stop for the past 7 months and it was almost as if you didn't exist and to tell the truth you were even thinking of leaving him.. today though it's different. You've been having the shittiest day ever and you were mad, like really mad and bitchy towards everyone. You wanted nothing more than to get home and for the first time actually wanting to be ignored by your boyfriend just so that you wouldn't go all crazy on him.. sadly that wasn't the case.

Your POV

I walked in slamming the door behind me more than ready to take a long needed bath and see if I could actually calm down.

"Well hello to you too." I hear and look to the sofa to see Derek sitting there a raised brow the tv on as he looks at me. I ignore him not wanting to go all ballistic on him and continued to walk to our room but apparently he didn't get the memo that I wanted to be left alone.

"Baby girl are you ok? Why are you ignoring-" I cut him off as I sharply turned around to look at him.

"You've been ignoring me for the last 7 months and you ask me why the fuck I'm ignoring you this once?! I get it your co worker died in front you and I left you alone, I gave you time, I gave you space now leave me alone!" I yell looking at him breathing fast before turning around and walking straight to the bathroom not even bothered to look for cloth as I started to take it off and turn the water on to fill the tub with the warm water my body needed so bad to feel. As soon as the warm water touched my body and I relaxed all I wanted to do was cry. 

Today was defiantly not a good day at all. I woke up late and had to rush out not even having breakfast nor even coffee to then make it five minutes late to work and my heel broke on the way there and to top it all off the fucking girl I hate so much.. well we hate each other because she still can't get over Derek and he's my boyfriend now.. the thing is she bumped into me spilling burning hot coffee all over me to then embarrass me in front of everyone. 

"Princess?" I hear Derek say before knocking on the door but I didn't answer and he just slowly opened the door and looked at me cautiously.

"Can I come in?" He asks and I nodded slowly before looking away from him. I could feel him looking at me waiting but I wasn't going to talk and he sighed. I heard shuffling before the water moved and I felt a body behind me pulling me closer to it.

"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you for so long.. it's just that I needed to find the son of a bitch who took her away from me.. I finally found him.. and I found her too. Turns out she was actually alive." He said and I snap my head to look at him and his fingers caress my cheek.

"She was alive this whole time and I neglected you thinking she was dead.. I'm so sorry for doing that princess." He said looking me in the eyes and I sighed.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you.. it's just been a really bad day for me." I say and he nods kissing my lips softly.

"It's ok princess.. I love you." He says and I smile laying my head on the crock of his neck looking at the ceiling.

"I love you too." I say suddenly feeling happy and forgetting all about my bad day.

Derek and Spencer Fluff/Smut (CM Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant