Daughter (Spencer)

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You are Spencer's daughter who the team doesn't know about, you stay a lot with your aunt (Mom's sister since your mother died) and this time your aunt couldn't stay with you so she dropped you off at the BAU where Spencer was.. you're only 10. I don't know but this is kinda cute and interesting tell me if you want a part two or not.

Your POV

"Ok Y/N you're father should be in there ok?" Auntie says and I nod walking inside the building with her were they gave me an FBI guest badge and guided me to the elevator and telling me the floor. I stayed on the elevator alone until the doors open and I walked out instantly noticing the clear doors and walked towards them before a big man came towards me.

"Hey there sweetheart.. are you lost?" He said getting on his knees while looking at me.

"I'm looking for my daddy." I say and he nodded.

"Who's you're daddy?" When I was about to answer I saw daddy talking to a blond woman and I ran towards him hugging his leg causing him to jump and look down at me.

"Y/N? What are you doing here princess?" He asked getting on his knees to look at me and move my hair out of the way.

"Auntie had things to do and you weren't picking up so she dropped me off here." I answer and he nods kissing my head.

"Wait that's your daddy sweetheart?" The guy from before came and I nodded as daddy carried me in his arms as I nod at the man.

"When did this happen Pretty Boy?" The man said looking at daddy surprised.

"Can we not talk about this now?" Daddy asked walking with me in his arms setting me down on a desk.

"Where did the kid come from?" Said a woman with black hair as she looked at me a smile on her lips.

"I'm Y/N Reid." I say causing her to blink.

"R-reid? Spencer's your dad?" She asked and I nodded as dad gave me a book.

"But I already read this one." I say looking up at him.

"I don't remember giving you this book Y/N." He said raising a brow.

"Because you didn't." I say and he looks at me strange.

"Then how did you read it?" He asked.

"I went through your shelf of books and read a few." I say and he smiles shaking his head before kissing me.

"Come on, do you wanna meet Garcia?" He asked and I smiled nodding excitedly he took my hand when he got me off of the desk and led me to a room and when he opened the door it all seemed so colorful and happy like, as a woman with blond hair turned around.

"Hey boy wonder.. who's this?" She asked when she noticed me a smile on her lips.

"Garcia this is Y/N Reid, my 10 year old daughter." Daddy says and Garcia looks stunned for a second looking at me.

"H-Hi. I'm Penelope." She says and I smiled.

"Daddy calls you computer goddess." I say and she smiled glancing at daddy before extending her hands to me.

"You wanna see how I do it?" She asked and I nodded running towards her.

"Reid we have a... where did the kid come from Garcia?" Came in a man that had a straight face even though it showed some confusion.

"Reid brought this beautiful girl in." Garcia said giving me a tight hug.

"Daddy help I can't breath!" I yell laughing and daddy smiled walking towards me and tickling my sides making me squirm in Garcia's grip as I laugh.

"No! Daddy you're suppose to help me!" I yell and he stopped tickling me a smile on his lips.

"Is there something I need to know about Reid?" Said the man and I walked towards him.

"You must be Hotch." I say looking up at him and he bent down to be at my height as well.

"Yes I am.. what's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Y/N Reid. Daddy talks a lot about you." I say and he looked at daddy.

"He does huh? What about we talk about this later? I need your daddy and Garcia at work ok?" He asked and I nodded.

"You need to catch the bad guys." I say and I see him smile and nod.

"Yes we need to catch the bad guys." He said.

"Can I go with you?" I ask and his eyes widen.

"Princess you can come to the briefing with us but you do know you'll be seeing dead bodies don't you?" Daddy says and I nod.

"I wanna help." I say and daddy nods with a small smile.

"Spencer you're not really letting her come with us are you? She's just a little girl even I can't stand those pictures." Garcia said but I extended my hands so that daddy can carry me.

"You'd be surprised Garcia." Daddy says as he carried me and took me to a different room where other people were.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Pretty Boy you don't expect to have her here right now do you?" The man I saw before said as I smiled at him.

"She'll be fine." Daddy said taking a seat with me on his lap as everyone looked at us until my eyes landed on a familiar face.

"You're David Rossi aren't you?" I asked looking at the Italian man as he looked surprised.

"I am." He said and I smiled.

"I read your books. They're pretty interesting to say the least." I say and he raises a brow.

"Oh sorry, I'm Y/N Reid... and um aren't we supposed to be discussing the killings?" I asked and the blond woman my guess is JJ got up handing everyone a file.

"Right. This unsub has killed 3 woman found until now. They're always dumped on a hill tortured and with bondage marks on their hands and feet they're still trying to identify what it was with." She said showing us the pictures.

"Daddy I think they weren't exactly tortured.." I say and he looks at me.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well their cloth is torn but it doesn't apear to be from a knife or really any kind of weapon." I say.

"But they're still cut Y/N." He said looking back at the pictures.

"Look at it closely, the cuts are short and deep it almost looks like they were tied with spiked wires. The cuts don't have a pattern and the cuts are more concentrated on their hands and feet than in any other place.. what if this unsub enjoys watching the women struggle against this hurting themselves every time they move?" I say and by now everyone was looking at me.

"Y/N where did you get that?" Hotch asked.

"A year ago I cut myself with a spiked wire as I was walking with auntie even though I barely touched it it still made a pretty deep whole and a cut.. watching those wounds reminded me of it. I still have the scar." I answered showing him my scar and he looked at it before he nodded.

"You may be right.. they don't look to have any other injuries other than the cuts. Y/N why don't you stay with Garcia and help us from here?" Hotch asked and I smiled nodding as daddy kissed my cheek.

"Well done princess." He said hugging me tight.

"Glad I could help." I say smiling and Morgan got up extending his hand so that I could give him a high five which I did.

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