Gorilla grodd

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Barry's pov
"Gorilla grodd?, how is he talking???? He's a gorilla!" Supergirl shouts

"He's a telepathic gorilla affected by a particle accelerator!" I yell back because of the noise around us

"What?! What's a particle accelerator?!" Supergirl screams while saving the people

"Nows not the time to explain it to you" I say while trying to figure out how to fight him

I try speed punching him but that didn't work and he hit me and I flew into the wall

As I get up I see supergirl flying towards him trying to punch him but grodd catches her fist and throws her. As he was distracted I sped towards him but no he caught me by my throat and started choking me. I tried gasping for air and trying to break his grip but nothing was working. As supergirl got up she started screaming

"Let him go!" Supergirl says while flying towards grodd

Kara's pov

As I fly towards grodd to save the red suit guy he leaps to another building and gets away. With the red streak. I fly to the deo and to talk to Alex and Winn and j'onn.

"Hey guys , I need to talk to you and it's important" I say to them bring them into a room

"A gorilla attacked national city"

"A gorilla?? How is that even possible?!" Alex says confused

"According to the red suit dude, he's a telepathic gorilla that was affected by a particle accelerator"

"That is so cool!" Winn says excited

"It's really not, people could've died and he did take a hostage that we need to find"  I say calming Winn down

"Who was the hostage?" J'onn says with his arms crossed

"The red suit dude" I respond

"Ok we need a better name for him then the red suit dude"  Winn clarifies

"That doesn't matter Winn,  just locate him" I say while leaving

I fly to my apartment to change and head over to Barry's house

I knock on his door, no answer. I try again and then no answer again. I take off my glasses and x-ray the house and he wasn't even their.

I call Winn

"Hey Winn, I want you to search the city for Barry Allen"

"Barry why?" Winn says

"He's missing"

"What? Look Kara I'm already trying to find that fast guy I don't think I can look for him too" Winn says

"Winn you have to try!" I hang up on him

I get a call, it's Barry!

" Barry oh my god! I couldn't find you anywhere I was s-" I was interrupted

"K- kara I um-" Barry sounded so scared

"Barry, you sound like your scared?? Are you okay??"

"No I'm not, i didn't know who to call but I need your help, I cant stay on for-" Barry said but stoped talking

I hear this weird noise like someone with a really deep voice, "how did you contact someone! And who" then I realize that it sounded like grodd. Barry was kidnapped by grodd. Wait if Barry was kidnapped around the same time the red suit guy was kidnapped.

Is Barry him??

Authors note

Sorry this chapter is short, I was a busy and I wanted it to be published today. So here you go. I'll try to publish the next part tomorrow

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