Chapter 2

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Melissa ran into the break room, bumping into, surprise, Ted. She immediately looked down, trying to walk past him.

"Hey, what's goin' on, Mel." Ted asked, chewing his gum quite loudly and resting his hand on her shoulder.

"Just getting some coffee." Melissa said, looking straight ahead, too afraid to look him in the face. Being called "Mel" made her cringe slightly.

"I thought you didn't like coffee." Ted raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

Melissa was about to begin stuttering when Ted called after Paul. Her heart spazzed out as she looked behind her. Paul was getting up from his desk, probably to get something.

Ted ran over and they began talking about something she couldn't hear.

Melissa grabbed a paper cup, filling it halfway with coffee and a splash of cream. She took a deep whiff of the scent before spitting it back out into the cup in disgust.

"Oh my god I hate that." She said, immediately throwing it into the trash. The brunette girl sipped some water as she sat down at the table, staring at the clear liquid in the plastic cup.

She hoped maybe it would start to bubble and show her what she needed to do to get Paul to notice her in the way she wanted. Seeming as no one was around, she stuck her finger in and stirred it around, giggling at herself as she pretended to be a witch brewing a potion.

With her finger still in the water her face dropped as she stared off into space, thinking about how awkward that entire situation was.

She really wanted to spend time with him and the softball league was a good way to do so, but he turned her down so fast. It wasn't her fault, but because of her feelings for him she began to take it personal.

I'm so stupid. He probably thinks I'm annoying or something.

Melissa snapped out of her thoughts when the door opened. She quickly pulled her fingers out of the cup of water as she realized they were still in there, accidentally splashing a bit of water on herself. Wiping her fingers on her skirt to dry them she looked back up to see who had just entered. Putting on a fake smile she greeted him.


Bill smiled at her, his facial expression faltering. Something was up and he knew it.

"Hey, Melissa. Is everything alright?"

"Mhm." She lied, nodding her head. She couldn't speak aloud in fear she would stutter knowing she was lying. This was her first tell.

"Are you sure? You seem a little upset about something."

Melissa was quiet for a moment, totally giving away the fact that something was definitely wrong.

"Honestly, no." She finally said as Bill sat down across from her.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

Melissa paused, "Can you keep a secret?"

"Oh...Yeah." Bill said, a little surprised she was willing to tell him.

Melissa stared at him for a moment before going to open her mouth and speak, but nothing came out.

"Ah- Uh..." Melissa tried speaking again. She was just gonna have to say it straight up if she wanted to get it out.

"I-I uh-have a crush Paul." She said, having to force it out of her. "If that's what you call it."

Bill was a little surprised, but it did make sense. She was already quite shy so it was hard to tell, but she did seem more timid around him.

"Have you tried talking to him?"

Melissa simply nodded, beginning to tap her foot as she started getting anxious.

"What have you talked about? Have you told him how you feel?" Bill asked, folding his hands on the table.

"Well, today I tried asking if he wanted to join the softball league. He said no, but a few days ago I said I liked his tie." Melissa explained the few times they had talked, "And once I dropped my pen in a meeting and he picked it up for me then told me to watch out for 'flying pens'."

Melissa smiled down at her lap as the memory replayed. Right after Paul said that he did that awkward smile he always does when she talks to him, but it never seemed like he was trying to attract her. He probably only thought of her as a friend or just another one of his co-workers.

Bill chuckled lightly as she explained the 'flying pen' incident, noticing she had totally brushed off his second question.

"So, did you tell him?"

Melissa looked up at Bill, hesitating before finally answering, "No."

"Maybe you should." Bill replied, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"I don't know how and besides, if he doesn't feel the same it may make it awkward in the office." Melissa said.

"You never know unless you try." Bill said. "Just walk up and say you need to talk to him, then just say it. If you're too nervous to say it to his face maybe write him a note." He suggested, unfolding his hands and waving them around slightly as he explained.

"Right." Melissa paused, actually considering doing what he had told her. "Thank you, Bill." She smiled, standing up  and beginning to walk towards the door. She stopped, her hand on the doorknob.

"Have a good day." She added before flashing one last shy smile and walking out and over to her desk.

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