3: The Triwizard Tournament

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'Take a seat,' said Dumbledore, 'We are here to discuss what will happen during the full moon.'

I took a seat and stared at Dumbledore. I had been dreading this part.

'Professor Snape will brew the Wolfsbane Potion for you on the lead up to the full moon,' he told me, 'You must take a goblet of it every night for a week before you transform or it won't work.'

I nodded, but I already knew what I planned to do with that potion. There was someone who needed it more than I did.

'We will still take the necessary precautions on where you will transform. You will meet Professor McGonagall just outside the doors and she will take you to the Whomping Willow,' he said and I nodded, 'You will travel through the passage alone until you get to the Shrieking Shack. You will transform around that point and then, in the morning, Madam Pomfrey will come into the Shack and escort you to the Hospital Wing where she will tend to your wounds. You will be in the hospital for two to three days unless you have either got a serious injury or you are fine by the next day. Any questions?'

'No matter how well she feels, she will not be getting out the next day!' snapped Madam Pomfrey.

'Poppy, that is for Black to decide. She knows if she will manage school and, if she can, she will be allowed to go!' said McGonagall, looking sympathetic. I knew she would have been questioning my extreme reaction to Snape from last night.

I sat there quietly the whole time. I was desperately wanting to get back to class rather than suffer listening to the conversation about my lycanthropy.

Dumbledore seemed to sense what I was feeling and said, 'Off you go, Molly.'

I nodded and left the room quickly. Madam Pomfrey was still arguing that I should stay for at least three days after a full moon.

After DADA was finished we had Transfiguration. I was glad nobody questioned my running out of class, I didn't want to talk about it. We had to transfigure a feather but, for some reason, my feather kept on levitating. I looked around and saw Nico, Harry and Ron huddled in a corner and Nico pointing his wand at the feather. I picked up the heaviest thing I could find, which was Hermione's book, and chucked it at his head. It hit him in the face and my feather dropped back down. Everyone in the class laughed and McGonagall gave me a disapproving look but said nothing.

'What was that for?!' I said angrily to Nico and he started to laugh harder.

It was pretty annoying because, for the whole class, they were laughing.

Later that night, I fell asleep whilst doing homework. I was then rudely awoken by someone using the Levicorpus spell, a spell which made the victim hang in the air.

I swore loudly and looked around. It was Nico again.

'LET ME DOWN!' I yelled and everyone started to laugh.

Nico dropped me and my head hit the floor with a bang. I grimaced in pain, rubbing my head as it throbbed painfully.

'One more time,' I said in a dangerously quiet voice and he ran off, laughing his head off.

'Ignore them!' said Hermione, who had been sitting next to me.

I nodded and went back to my homework. It was History of Magic homework so I fell asleep again and, this time, I was awoken by someone pouring freezing cold water over me. Nico, Harry and Ron were holding a jug each and snickering.

I yelled in frustration and went up to the girl's dorm to finish my, surprisingly dry, homework because I knew boys couldn't get up there. I was getting sick of all the pranks and was going to put an end to it if it happened again.

Hogwarts: The Enchanted Chalice - BOOK 4 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ