9: Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Just less than a month after the 'Library Incident', Dumbledore sent a letter saying I could go back to Hogwarts. I had been receiving letters from Snape containing my potion, and made sure to lie and tell Remus I had already had my dose while giving him his.

'Molly!' Remus called from the kitchen.

I slowly trudged through to the kitchen. I hadn't heard from Sirius since the Aurors had arrived and that had left me really grumpy and short tempered. It didn't help that the next day would be the Full Moon. I was also a bit down because I had missed the Second Task. Harry had had to go underwater for one hour and retrieve something that was important to him. He had rescued Ron and Fleur Delacour's sister as Fleur had been knocked out at the beginning. Krum had rescued Hermione and Diggory had rescued Cho Chang. Harry, because he acted the hero, had been last to get out so he should have got the least points but they awarded him extra for rescuing someone else. He was now tied for first place with Diggory.

Tonks was there, sitting at the table with Remus, who was reading a letter with a look of deep concentration on his face.

'It seems you're going back!' said Tonks, grinning.

I smiled for the first time in ages. I was going back. I was getting to see Nico, Josh and the others again! I had gotten over what had happened that night, I had been convinced it wasn't my fault. Every other night I was safe, locked away. It was a one off and every teacher was going to go out of their way to ensure it never happened again.

'Hoooooome, is where the heart is, is where we started, where we belong!' sang Tonks, still smiling.

She then stood up on the table, earning a disapproving look from Remus, and turned her face into one like Danny Jones from McFly. She sang the rest of 'Home Is Where The Heart Is' then sat down, bowing.

I clapped whilst laughing. Tonks had turned back to her heart shaped face and violently pink hair.

I calmed down then turned to Remus, 'When am I going back?'

'Now!' he said and I ran to my room, shoved everything into my trunk, and ran back to the kitchen.

'Tonks will take you! Good luck!' he said.

'Bye!' I said, following Tonks outside.

I grabbed her arm and we Apparated to Hogsmeade. We had to stand outside the gates until someone came out to get us. There was an awkward silence as we did so, neither of us quite knew what to say to each other. I hadn't spoken to her when I saw her at home, I was too busy moping about my father.

'Have you heard anything from my dad?' I asked her, breaking the silence.

'No, I suppose he is lying low for a while!' she said after casting a Patronus saying we were here.

'Yeah... I suppose...' I sighed when Professor McGonagall approached us. I just wished he would have sent me a letter or something, let me know he was alright. 

'Come on!' she said, letting me in.

'Bye!' I called to Tonks, following McGonagall up to the school.

We walked to the Great Hall. Everyone was entering to go to the Feast so McGonagall let me go and join them. I joined the crowd so I wasn't out of place then ran to the Gryffindor table. Nico and the others weren't there yet so I sat down on my own. I looked over to the Slytherin table. I couldn't see Josh either.

'Where were you?' asked Fred, sitting next to me.

'Home,' I replied.

'Why?' asked George, sitting at my other side.

Hogwarts: The Enchanted Chalice - BOOK 4 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant