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It was the second time that evening that she'd given in, and she didn't like it, but with a sigh, she picked up her briefcase, and bid Nick goodnight.

Lauren was quiet as they walked to her car in the pouring rain and Camila was grateful. She didn't like the way he'd loomed over her while she was working, quietly assessing, and probably judging her.

Camila seen the horror on Lauren's face at how she treated Nick's wife, and the contempt with which Lauren eyed the bar's patrons.

Lauren was a snob and a half, and Camila didn't want spend another minute with her.

As she suspected, Lauren drove a classy black Mercedes, and even opened the door for her.

When Lauren was safely behind the wheel, Camila gave Lauren her address. That was half an hour from downtown.

"So what were you doing in the bookstore?" Lauren asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Wasn't it obvious? I was looking for some crap to read," she hoped that would shut him up.


"Why do you want to know?"

"All I know is that you're a killer. I'd like to know more."

"Alright, it's not like I'll see you again, anyway,"

Lauren had no intention of letting that happen, but she didn't say as much.

"I'm thirty two years old. I come from an upper middle class family, and I was looking for a romance novel to ease the pain and frustration in the aftermath of a bad relationship,"

"How long has it been since the break up?"

Camila shrugged.

"A few months; not that it matters. It wasn't love...it wasn't even lust," she said with bitter cynicism.

Lauren smiled, silently elated Camila wasn't attached.

SHe pulled up to Camila's home, a 1920s style brick house, and watched her as she fumbled with the seatbelt.

"Thank you for the ride, Ms. Jauregui" Camila said politely, jerking the belt open with a grunt of frustration.

"Lauren" he corrected.

"I barely know you," she said with her hand on the door handle. She was half soaked from the walk to the car.

She wanted to go inside, put on a pair of pajamas and go to bed, not carry on an awkward conversation with a woman who belonged on the cover of a bodice ripper.

"Fair enough; let me walk you to your door. You're shivering and I have an umbrella,"

"You can't help it, can you?"

"Help what?"

"That 'perfect gentlewoman thing; you can't help it can you?"

"I suppose not" Lauren said laconically.

Lauren grabbed her umbrella and followed Camila out of the car. Lauren moved close to her, shielding her from the rain and Camila tensed as they reached her doorstep.

Camila reached for her keys, cursing as she rummaged around for them.

"Thanks for agreeing to help" Lauren said.

"You're a loyal friend" she replied with a smile. Ignoring Lauren now, she found her keys and slid them into the lock.

Camila had her hand on the door handle. She intended to dismiss Lauren and go inside, but looking up at her face, she stilled.

(CAMREN) Pride & Stubbornness Where stories live. Discover now