The Birbs and the Beebs

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in this chapter we delve into the world of should we have sex, so just a little warning.


It had been a few weeks later, and you had moved into Alastors room. Both of you agreeing it was a hassle to constantly run to and fro undercover like that, so, you ended up grabbing your clothes and other necessities to move. You'd signed out of your room and cleaned it up yourself.

So now you were 'living' with Alastor. Your boyfriend of an estimated two months. Time really did fly in hell...but sometimes it really did bother you. You worried if it was all too fast, one week later after meeting each other for the first time, you had already kissed **nearly** every kissable part of each others bodies, knowing everything there was to know. Memorizing each other profusely. Alastor had assured you that in hell, things like that didn't matter, and besides 'Angel was out there fucking people on a daily basis so what does it matter?' You had argued that he gets paid but Alastor wasn't having any of that bullshit apparently. It was sweet if you remembered it was all to get rid of your growing anxiety.

Everything had gone well and smooth, and you were positive you spent more time cuddling in bed than actually walking around and doing things. And what a sweetheart too, Alastor had legitimately asked you while you were cuddling if you would ever have sex.

Of course, it through you off guard a bit, and Alastor apologized, but it made you think. Would you ever? Would you ever be ready for that sort of thing? Would he be mad if you never did? Alastor had sensed the anxiety growing in you and had calmly reassured you he didn't care whatsoever, that he never really needed sex anyways (not like Angel Dust at least). You had hugged his arm and smiled, admiring his patience and acceptance. You liked that about him. He trusted you, and never tried to push you into anything you didn't want.

The only embarrassing thing were still a virgin, and it straight up haunted you! You'd just never had time to 'fool around' (and there weren't a lot of people and demons worth fucking nowadays sooo). Alastor didn't know this, of course, but you didn't exactly know how to tell him? "Hey Babe btw im an extra virgin olive oil" Like who says that? You were sure he wouldn't mind though...or would he? What if he thought you were naive? or what if when it didn't happen, you weren't good?! Why the hell were you overreacting over a simple question?

Alas, these were the kinds of thoughts you'd been having for a while now.
Perhaps it was time to ask Alastor about it? That's what couples do right? communicate with each other?
You'd just have to talk with him when he woke up.

Just then, you felt a shift from beneath you and a sigh of contentment from above your head.

Speak of the goddamn demon...

"Morning my love" he murmured, pulling you close. You nuzzled into the embrace, smiling. How could you ever deserve this? It brought a frown to your face that you were so undeserving of a fairy tale ending. It was all too good to be true.
Alastor seemed to notice the look of unhappiness on you face, because he shifted to fully face you, unwrapping his arms and cupping your cheek.

"What's wrong dear?"

You looked away quickly "Just thinking, about our conversation last night."

"about sex?"

You grimaced, a bit too foreword, but he wasn't wrong. You nodded, cheeks heating up. Alastor smiled fondly "Only if you want to darling." he breathed, caressing your cheek. You put your hand on top of his "I want to, i really do...but there's so many variables, so many what ifs..." you trailed off, unable to quite make out your thoughts.

He smiled "It's not all that complicated, it's just sex" you frowned, internally cringing.

"Maybe for you." You whispered, nervously awaiting his reply.
Of course, he assumed you'd fucked someone before. Hoping he'd get the message, you went silent and let him figure it out.


You nodded

"Yeah, oh." you breathed, flipping over and turning away from him. Perhaps sex wasn't a new thing to him, but it was a whole other ball park for you. You'd never even done anything of the sort before him, and it was kind of a big deal.

Alastor, of course being the gentlemen he was, wrapped his arms back around you tightly, kissing your cheek. "(Y/N). I love you, and i would never judge you or treat you differently based off of something like that. I would be absolutely ecstatic to be your first dear, it would mean so much to me." he whispered calmly, and it took you a minute to realize he's said i love you.
What a phrase, it made your cheeks flush, and put butterflies in your stomach. So much, you felt like a fucking school girl, giggling n shit.

You pressed a kiss to his arm, tears welling in you eyes and a timid smile making is way into your face. "I love you too, Alastor. It means a lot to hear you say that"
He just kissed your forehead and closed his eyes, pulling you into a soft embrace.

Falling into a comfortable silence, the both of you just lay there, enjoying each other's company. It was truly a perfect moment. Perhaps dropping the "i love you" phrase was his way of reaffirming everything he'd said; proving it to be true.

Maybe he was telling the truth when he said it didn't matter, if he was willing to say i love you. You smiled, curling up and letting Alastors heartbeat lull you back to a surreal state of mind. It had been a monumental morning...

You thought that if there was a first time for him, there was a first time for you. His first i love you was for you. Your first time would be for Alastor, and Alastor only. It was like an exchange, although it wasn't a mandatory trade.

Closing your eyes and letting your breath slow to a natural pace, you realized just how lucky you were. You couldn't ask for anything more than this, and it was perfect. The Radio Demon, a practical god of chaos and destruction said i love you. (Mr i'M wEIrd, i'M a WeIRdO (sorry i had to))

Maybe in life you didn't have it all, constantly arguing with your parents and going hungry 6 nights a week, but in hell you really did have everything you'd wanted. Who would have thought that in Hell, Hell You'd find your one and only.

It was all that you had wanted, and you were positive you'd never let it go.


WOW THAT WHOLE SEX PART WAS HARD TO WRITE. Real talk, if you want a lil smut in the book (or something close to it bc i've never written that before) then please let me know, cause that's a big topic. Just vote if you want a sTeAmY scene, and don't vote if you don't want one.

Or just tell me idk
(1222 words. A short one guys)

"You're the bastard who killed me!" (Alastor/Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora