The Dream 1

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It had been about a week since your meeting, and you and Alastor were growing closer and closer. You found out that he constantly had screaming voices in his head, and he found out that you were secretly really self-conscious and insecure.
He had said that he would always be friends with you, and would never even think to judge you.
It was a real comfort, to be honest.
You were constantly asking how the voices were doing, like "On a scale from one to ten, how many voices are in your mind today?"  you'd ask
"11" Alastor would sigh, shoulders slumping.
You would give him a massage and whisper in his ear, "If any of you cause any trouble for my friend today, there'll be serious consequences".

He would laugh charmingly, and say that they were becoming less and less of a nuisance. You blushed each time he said it was all your doing.

You helped each other, made each other better. The need to kill deers was a minimal one for Alastor by now, and he had slightly opened up to you about why he never stopped smiling.

Something about childhood trauma?
He said that his mothers motto was "you're never fully dressed without a smile" and it had gravely affected who he would turn out to be. Conversely, you told him that your motto was 'It's ok to be sad sometimes'
(It wasn't really your motto, but Alastor didn't need to know that.)

He would give you a timid grin, and pat your head, thanking you. In return, you'd smile back  and revel in his real emotions.


So far, the hotel had been a hit. Not as successful as you all had hoped, but it was definitely catching on.

You looked up and down yourself in the mirror, brushing your hair and preparing for the day.
You and Alstor spent most of the week together, bonding and what not. The only difficulty that threw a kink in your time with him (ha, kink.) was that Angel Dust loved to poke fun whenever you two interacted with each other whatsoever.  But Angel Dust was a prick, everyone knew that much so you did your best to not get flustered and just shoot a clever quip back at him.

You walked out of your room with a spring in your step and began heading to the breakfast area.

"Hey everyone, morning" you called, standing in the doorway, arms crossed. As usual, Angel was the first to respond.

Chipper and as annoying as ever.

"Hey sweets, where's your boyfriend?" Angel teased, flicking your nose.  You glared at him sharply, "Not my boyfriend, and you can fuck off."
"Stop teasing (Y/N) Angel!" Vaggie yelled, in the middle of mixing a bowl full of batter.
"What are you two doing?" You asked, "I told you to stop making such elaborate meals, it makes me feel bad" Huffing, you sat down and started idly playing with the napkin placed there.

Charlie tsked, sliding a plate in front of you. "Well, I for one enjoy this kind of thing, and don't you worry your pretty little head about helping out, you do plenty." She smiled, kissing Vaggie on the cheek and swiping toast from the toaster.
Vaggie rolled her eyes ruefully "Well, she may enjoy it, but I don't. Feel free to take over, i've only ever made a mess in the kitchen."
You smiled, getting up to take the bowl "gladly. Where's Alastor?" you inquired carefully, setting down the mix to grab an apron.
Vaggie smiled "He went out, off to chase some deer..." You inwardly groaned—You knew exactly what she'd say.
The she-demon gave you a sly grin, "Why? missing him already?"
"I can always give you back the bowl heathen!You were supposed to be on my side!" You exclaimed, giving her and Angel a threatening look. The two just high-fived.

The only time they'd be considered a team was when they tormented you.

Charlie giggled "Come on guys, let her worry, she's his friend!"
You stuck out your tongue at them and stood with Charlie.
"See?" you said, crossing your arms as best you could with a bowl of batter in them.

"You're the bastard who killed me!" (Alastor/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now