Honey, I'm Home..

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Chapter 7-

"What the fuck is going on Seokjin?! and you best untie me before i lose my shit entirely." He rests his arms on the back of the chair, due to the fact he decided to sit on it back to front. "I'll let you loose in a minute, first you have to let me explain." I'm getting impatient at this stage "Jin I'm not listening until you untie me, it...it hurts." I pout my lips as I try to slip my hands out of my restraints, that's when he gets off the chair and cuts the zip tie, taking his seat once again "Tony only did that because you tried to run." "And what was I supposed to do huh? Do circles around the office all holly and jolly? I don't think so. What are you thinking?! Do you know how dangerous this is? For you? For me? For us?!" I'm freaking out as I place my head in my hands to try and calm myself down, combing my hands through my hair, that's when I feel his cold fingers make contact with my hands and I raise my head to see him kneeling before me, sorrow lining his dark glossy eyes,

"I'm trying to get out. I've been trying to get out. I didn't want this okay? My dad owned the business before me I told you that, I just left out the fact that it was sort of, illegal. I didn't want to tell you because I thought I could get out of it sooner than I'd planned but I can't. Once I had a wife things changed, they had leverage on me. I tried to keep you out of it to keep you safe please understand that y/n. I actually do care about you, you're the only friend I have, and I don't wanna lose you.

That's the thing I told you on the rooftop that night, and you told me that-"

"I'd stick with you through it all...." it slowly started to come back to me "I remember..I wanted to help you get out, because it was eating you up inside...you cried that night. I actually remember, then that's when we, kissed. How could I ever have forgotten that feeling? My stomach was going crazy and my heart almost fell out of my chest" I say through sobs and sniffles, i was a frantic mess but I still managed to smile through it as he looked deeply into the pit of my very being. "How about you let me remind you.." that's when he leant in, combed my hair back from my face and planted a soft kiss on my tear stained lips, "a little saltier than last time..but I'll take what I can get." I had to laugh, it was a challenge not to when Jin was around. "Y/n, I WILL protect you, and I'm gonna get out of this mess, so that we may just have an actual shot at this. Please don't leave me, you're pretty much all I got."

"I won't leave you. But you really have to get out of this mess Jin, you're putting life's at risk, life's I just so happen to care about", I poke his peck playfully and he smiles as I return the favour. "Okay." I stand up and he does the same "I'm going home now. For real this time. Promise me you'll be there when I wake up?" I draw circles with the tip of my finger on his chest hearing the soft sound of his cotton blouse against my nail. He nods his head and looks down at me "I promise. Once I get this deal sorted, I'm out, for real. Then we can do whatever we want whenever we want." I pat his chest, nod my head and make my way out of the office, into the main area of the club then out the front door.

I see our driver parked outside and so I jump in and he takes me back home. I zip down my dress, tie my hair up teasing some baby hairs out and throw on one of jins grey sweatshirts, they were always so comfy and good quality I couldn't help but lounge around the house in them. I went to the kitchen to grab some snacks and a drink and sat on the sofa, switching on the tv and beginning to stream whatever I felt like. After a while I got a little bored and started to think of Jin once again, it was almost 4am, and he still wasn't home. I hadn't gotten any action in far too long and I didn't see him giving me any anytime soon. So, that's when I slid my hand over my panties and began to please myself. It wasn't difficult to climax to the thought of someone like Jin doing things to my body, he was tall dark and handsome, but he was also a little bit criminal, and that just so happened to push me over the edge.

I started to moan as I felt my centre throb, then all of a sudden I heard the phone buzzing on the glass coffee table in front of me. I quickly sit up and try to bring myself back to Earth before I pick up the phone "hello?" I say innocently "what do you think you're doing?" I look behind me and the house is still empty "what do you mean Jin?" I try to play along "do you really think I'd be as rich as I am and NOT have cctv surveillance all over my suite?" My eyes widen as I realise that he must have been watching me from his office the entire time. "Shit." I say as I look down at the ground "I heard you moaning my name y/n." My head rises and my eyes widen 'I cannot believe i did that i-' that's when I could hear light moaning coming from the other end of the phone "you created a problem y/n. A problem that your husband expects you to amend." I raise my brow as I come to the realisation he was most likely getting off to the image of me getting myself off and, somehow, that made me crave him more than ever before.

"Come home Jin.. I want to see you.."

"I can't baby, I'm still working.." that's when I get up off the sofa and make my way to the bedroom, knowing all too well that he was watching my every move.

I go to the wardrobe and grab a red lingerie set that I bought last week as a treat with Jins 'emergency' bank card, red signifies danger, and danger means emergency right? I grab my matching satin robe and go into the bathroom so that he doesn't have eyes on me but I can still hear him over the phone "What are you up to princess?" Once I finish changing I reply "it's a surprise.." I unlock the bathroom door and walk outside to the standing mirror in our master bedroom, i untie the knot in the robe and snap a picture of myself, sending it his way.

"Are you sure you can't make it home...daddy?"

A short silence ensues before I hear,

"I'll be there in 10."

The phone call ends and I smirk as i lay down on the bed and patiently wait for him to return.

A short while later the doorbell pings and I get up to open the door, as soon as I merely pushed down the handle the door swings open and he lifts me up as he pushes me into the wall, he stayed silent for a moment and, before I could say anything, all I heard was "Honey.." he kicks the door shut behind him and smirks at me "I'm home."

Blackout - JIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now