The Plan

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Chapter 4-

He took me back to my hotel to change my clothes and freshen up before we went to the church, I went to the closet in our room and found my bridesmaid dress, it was an ugly terracotta colour that I argued with Yeji over wearing for months, but her answer was final and I was forced to wear it whether I liked it or not. At least it was better than the dress I was stuck in from the night before which bore the stench of alcohol and a strange stain that I was 99% sure was a little bit of vomit. Yikes y/n... what did you get up to last night?

I come out of the en suite bathroom with the dress on and I earn a laugh from Seokjin at the other end of the room "You look like my grandmother." I glare at him and say "nobody asked for your opinion asswipe." I threw my pink dress from the previous night into his hands and he tosses it on the bed as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed "So where is this stupid thing anyways?" I went over to my suitcase and grabbed my shoal as I say "this 'stupid thing' is at a church uptown. My sister always dreamed of a white wedding. We used to talk about it when we were kids." I laugh to myself "I always thought I'd marry a 90's heartthrob, a real dreamboat. I guess sometimes things really don't turn out the way you expected them to" I say to myself as i clutch the shoal to my chest in a daze.

Then Jin speaks and I turn around to face him, snapping out of my trance "Yeah I guess they don't. If I could turn back time and stop us both trust me I would." I walk over towards him as I say "Well guess what, you can't. That means we're stuck with each other. Trust me when I say it's not what I wanted either." He pushes himself off the bed and walks over to me, his chest skimming mine, our faces merely inches apart, "Don't mess with me y/n. If you thought the me back at the penthouse was being an asshole you should see me when I'm pissed off." His empty threat meant nothing to me, his attempt at being intimidating may have worked on others but it certainly didn't have an effect on me, i happened to find it laughable.

I go to walk past him but he grabs my wrist, making me face him "I mean it y/n." I move my lips to his ear as I whisper "The sooner this is over, the better." He let's go of my wrist and we both make our way back down to the car then his driver takes us to the venue. It was a beautiful setting, bouquets of flowers lined each side of the aisle and the white marble floors shone so bright you could almost see your entire reflection in it. We both walked in a little late and everyone's eyes turned to us and I gulp down the dry lump forming in my throat. I feel a sense of shock when a cold touch comes in contact with my fingers and i look over to see Jins hand holding onto mine, he leads me over to a seat at the back and as we watched the ceremony I could hear continuous whispering and see people pointing fingers at us both, I already knew we would be the topic of everyone's conversation today, I could just tell.

Their heartfelt vows were sealed with a soft kiss and afterwards the crowd dissipated as we all made our way outside. Yeji spots me and makes her way over immediately to pull me into an embrace and get s good look at me "oh my goodness y/n you're okay! I was freaking out all morning calling your phone non-stop where have you been?! I was so worried something had happened to you and I-" that's when she spotted Jin standing beside me and she raised an eyebrow at him then turned to face me "y/n? Can to you, in private?" I look over at Jin and he passes me a nod, signalling to me that I could go.

Yeji took my hand and led me into a room in the church where she had gotten ready to walk down the aisle, she closes the door and then she speaks "who did you bring to my wedding y/n? I've never seen that guy in my life!" She rambles "you didn't even bother to tell me you were dating! I thought we were closer than that. Now everyone's gonna be talking about you both and I can't even do anything about it!" I kept trying to cut in to explain my situation but she just kept blabbering on like Yeji always did. That's when I practically shove my hand in her face so she has a clear view of the wedding ring on my ring finger, and that's when I say "So, about last night..." her eyes widen and she grabs a hold of my wrist getting a good luck at the ring that we had most likely purchased at the little chapel when we were there. "Oh y/n..what have you done..." I reply "Yeji, when I tell you I don't remember anything I swear to you I'm not kidding, I barely even remembered his face this morning! All I know is that he's this filthy rich businessman with a foul mouth to match. Now I'm stuck in this marriage that I most definitely do not want to be in and I have no idea how I'm gonna get out!" I can feel my eyes swimming with tears and I'm on the verge of having a mental breakdown when Yeji takes my hand in hers and I look up to meet her gaze "I think I have an idea."

I take her hand in mine as I plead "Anything Yeji. I'll do anything. Just say the word." Then she says "Do you remember moms like 5th marriage to that insanely rich plastic surgeon dude that made it onto the Forbes Top 10 List?" I nod my head and say "What about it?" "Let's face it, he was a grade A asshole and mom only ever married him for the money, but in order to do that, she had to stay with him for a minimum of two months. After that she divorced him and got half of the entire settlement. She got 5 million dollars y/n. Think about what you could do with that kind of cash. You could pay off all your college tuition and you'd have no money concerns for the rest of your days! The possibilities are endless y/n, the only thing you have to do is-"

"Make him love me", I cut in,

"...I have to make him love me."

Blackout - JIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now