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Chapter 3 : Whatever It Takes


Chapter 3

The sudden interest of the school's most popular guy to this not-so-unpopular nerd activist Saint Suppapong had become the talk of not just the entire Bangkok High but of the City of Bangkok too. Much to Saint's protest and disgust that his name had gotten linked to Perth Tanapon of course. Most would think that it was the true to life fairy tale story where Cinderella had finally managed to meet hIS handsome prince.

His friends were even worse. What he expected them to do were to give their understanding as to why there should not be any PerthSaint love story because... come on. With all the teasing and pranks they suffered from Perth and his goons? Saint could barely comprehend why they find it too cute that Perth suddenly decided to woo him.

Angrily shoving the pancakes into his mouth – in which he haven't even bothered to put any butter or syrups on Saint scowled blankly at the table, yet again not missing the sudden dropping of voices inside the hall.

Then he saw the white high cut Christian Louboutin sneakers – obviously owned by the guy he'd been dreading to strangle. Rolling his eyes as if knowing exactly what will happened next.

"Good Morning Saint" He greeted him with much enthusiasm. Probably more than the past couple of days.

He just scowled back, not even acknowledging his presence.

"Listen, I was wondering if you'd like to take some time off after classes and just walk towards the park? I mean... it would be amazing just sitting under the three on the bench park and talk?"

Saint looked at the window and the frown on his forehead got deeper
"Are you stupid? The sky is so dark it would probably rain! " He screeched

Perth smiled haughtily "I'd bring an umbrella? Two umbrellas!"

Saint looked like he was considering it knowing it was one of his dream guy fantasy – holding hands- running around under the rain with the man he loves. Realizing what he had in his mind Saint jerked away.

"Now really? You'd go with all this romantic bullshits for me?" Saint huffed, obviously unconvinced.

"It's not romantic bullshits Saint. Come on. I know you are having serious doubts about this but why will I do all these stuffs then?" Perth, although known as someone so stubborn and prideful was almost pleading his case.

Saint shrugged, playing at his fingernails, casting the guy a defiant look "I don't know. Probably a bet between your friends of how long will it take for you to get your hands under my pants?"

"Now that's just ridiculous" He cringed. "Will you be honest with me? Why don't you like me?"

"Fine!" Saint stood up from the table, straighter that he had ever been. He could feel Tar and Plann holding him down. Probably stopping him from saying more but then he just yanked hia arms away from them and glared at Perth.

"I hate that your hair looks so prepped I could tell you pay thousands just to get that color and cut. I hate the way you dress you seemed to forget that this is a school and not a fashion show! I hate the way you drag every bit of your friends ass like you're some king who needed protection. I hate the way you talk because a single word from you makes everyone squirm they think it's a law. I hate to watch your games because it seemed all too boring knowing you'll win it anyway! I hate the way you make me feel so mad at you without even knowing the real reason why! I hate it when you make me realize you are so just above me I could not just reach you Perth! I hate it when you are like this it makes me hope! it makes it too difficult for me to let you go! I hate this because I am just the fucking nerd and you are the almighty Perth!!"

Saint screamed, gasping for air. Then his eyes widened realizing the words that he had said. He sat down, tears rolling down his face and losing the strength on his knees and just as Perth tried to walked towards him, he stopped the guy from going towards him any further.

"Please... just leave me alone" He stood, walking away from the hall, leaving everyone closed to tears.


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