The Greatest Hyuga

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~Time Skip~ 2 months later....

"EEEEEEEHHKK, isn't she just the CUTESTEST little thing you've ever seen Hiashi-kun?? Awwwww, just look at her little rosy cheeks ^v^ Our little princess is bound to break hearts when she's older, just look at her", and that was my 'mother', Yuna Hyuga(A/N: Made up name....) gushing about my 'cuteness' once again, *sigh*.

"Yuna-chan, please settle down, you're going to make our daughter cry, *sigh* again", said my 'father', Hiashi Hyuga, as he swiftly took me away from mothers reach. Who knew my mother had so much energy? Oh well, it doesn't matter now, I just hope she doesn't get worse when I'm older.


"Awwww, is little Hime-chan hungry~ Come on then, let's get you some milk that mama prepared just for you", hmmmm, that actually sounds nice, I'm absolutely famished, "here you go Hina-chan~ "how embarrassing, when does a baby start eating solid food? I hate it when 'feeding time' as the maids call it, comes around, I mean, would YOU like to have a woman's breast in your face while your trying to eat? Especially if it's your MOTHERS? And don't even get me STARTED on the diaper changing, *shiver*.

Oh well, *yawn*, I guess this baby body of mine is tired, looks like it's lights out for me.

~Time Skip~ 4 months later(A/N: Another time skip because I'm lazy... PEACE OUT YA'LLL)

Whooooow, it's been six months since my 'birth', I'm now walking, talking and eating SOLID food, yay me ^v^ I am also called a prodigy amongst my clan members. I've been the talk of the clan for a few weeks now, Papa says I'll be introduced to the whole clan properly in six more months, on my birthday.

~Time Skip~ 6 months later(A/N: Obvously I was going to skip the next few months, jeez)

Finally, the day has come, for I will FINALLY(A/N: Dude... Stop saying finally -__-) meet my clan, the people I will fight for in my near future, and the the people who will follow me just like they followed Papa, one day these people, no, MY clan will call me as their leader when the day comes.

Who knew facing random strangers on a stage-like rock would overwhelm me with so much emotions, well theses people weren't really strangers for they all carry the Hyuga name, a clan of highly trained shinobi with a kekkei genkai that not just anyone is born with.

"Hello and welcome", my voice boomed through the air, confidence and pride could be heard in my voice, and everybody knew...

"My name...", That I was...

"Is Hyuga...", Going to be...

"Hinata", The Greatest Hyuga In History.


A/N Yaaaaaayyyyy, finally, I was able to think of SOMETHING for this book.

If you can't tell, I get bored pretty easily if I'm not writing words on a paper, for some reason that is TOTALLY unknown to me, I can't write a story online for that long, it's like my brain washes away all my ideas I had when I was trying to write a story, they just go poof... Gone.

Anyway, enough of all that jazz, you guys know the doos.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto but I do own some characters that I might throw in one of them chapters that I might write, that's if I continue with the story.

Cia people's, until next time on.... I'm Hinata Hyuga???

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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