Vanya gives her an awkward smile, "and you miss actress, I've seen your movies and I demand that you give me some well-deserved phone numbers," Valerie says as she wiggles her eyebrows at Allison who immediately shakes her head.

"God, I forgot how much you and Klaus act alike," Allison jokes making Valerie laugh.

Once Valerie's laughter dies down it goes quiet again and instantly the unwanted feeling returns, "so where is everyone?" She asks looking at the two in front of her.

"Diego went upstairs before you walked in," Vanya explains quietly, sounding a little uneasy.

Valerie hums as she leans a little closer to her sisters, "guess I'm stuck downstairs?" She questions lightly making Vanya and Allison crack a smile, "well, better go make myself comfortable," Valerie states as she walks away from her sisters and up the stairs.

Valerie looks around the house as she makes her way to her and Vanya's room, looking around at the poster covered side of her room and Vanya's tidy side of it. The memory of many in this room floods her mind:

Vanya stands in front of her stand with her violin in hand, music filling the room as Valerie works on her homework behind her until Vanya stops suddenly making the blonde look over, "why'd you stop?"

"Do you think dad will ever let me out on a mission like with all of you?" Vanya asks shyly as she fiddles with her music book.

Valerie thinks of the right thing to say, "who really knows what dad might do," she scoffs feeling the slight resentment towards her father, "he's like a thing that you can't read," Valerie tries to explain as she makes gestures in the air with her hand, Vanya stays quiet but a weak smile appears on her face at Valerie's attempted smack-talk.

"Now child, play the beautiful tune once more," Valerie states with a fake posh accent that Vanya smiles at.

"We're the same age," she reminds as she looks back at her sister who holds her head up as if she's royalty.

Valerie raises her pencil, "pish posh," Vanya laughs before continuing to play while Valerie pretends to lead her making the brunette giggle, the question gone from their minds for a little longer.

Valerie smiles and lets out a sigh at the memory while her stiff body relaxes as she sits on her bed, "home sweet home," she mumbles to herself as she sits there and sulks until she realizes she can't hide in her room forever making Valerie let out a groan as she gets up again to go back downstairs and get it over with.

The blonde walks into the living room to find Vanya sitting on the couch, Valerie's eyes shifting up to the painting above the fireplace where Five's face stares back at her causing her heart to ache for her brother, "the others?" She asks Vanya only for Diego to walk in and bump his shoulder against hers.

She rolls her eyes, "what are you doing here? Thought you were off being miss normal now?" He asks as he sits down on one of the chairs in front of the fireplace.

"I didn't come here for your cheap jabs, Diego. I came here for dad," Valerie explains as she sits down on the other side of the couch next to Vanya just as Luther, Allison, and Klaus walk in making Diego's reply die out before he can say one.

"Jesus, Luther, you took 'big guy' to a whole new level," Valerie admits causing Luther to sigh and shrug before taking a seat on the couch across from Vanya and Valerie.

For a few minutes, the room is quiet besides Klaus at the bar making a drink as the siblings get lost in their own thoughts before Luther stands up, "I guess we should get this started," he begins, "so, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at dad's favorite spot."

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