The note

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So I thought since I didn't write Susan's note I could write it now.

Susan's suicide note:

   To my family:
Although what I am about to do may be hard and difficult on all of you, the internal demons and conflict I felt was to great to handle. Everyday waking up with a heavy weight on my shoulders. I am sorry, but now I am free. I love you all.

To my daughter,
Bella I loved you more then you could ever know and I am so proud of the women you have become. I feel at ease knowing that you have Marc to look out for you, and that you have found the one. I love you, live your life to the fullest extent.
Love, mommy
To my love:
Hunny you have no idea how much torment and inner anguish I felt about my decision to leave you. I loved you so much, I was always constantly worrying I wasn't enough. Your love was so much more than just love,
You gave me everything none of this was your fault. I lived an epic love story with the man of my dreams fighting off demons and facing the world together. No matter how hard I tried my inner demons were no match for the love. I was diagnosed with a muggle disease a stage four gleo- blastoma  . My death would have been painful and by the end I wouldn't know my own name let alone yours. I was given four months and only three would have been a quality of life.  My goal was  At least you'll remember me as we were, happy and in love till the end of time. Forever and always.

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