Chapter 12

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[Third Person-POV]

Right now,everyone was at Capsule Corp waiting for (Y/N) and the warrior who was going to replace Buu for the tournament because he had fallen asleep

Beerus:Why is it taking so long?!

Whis:You must be patient Lord Beerus, this person is very powerful and (Y/N) must be training him very well

Beerus:I would not care if he got stronger, the only thing that matters to me is that they rush to make that person even stronger!

Goki:Do not worry Lord Beerus, this guy is very strong, with a training with (Y/N) in the Time Chamber will be enough to participate in the tournament

Vegeta:I still wonder why of all the people we had to choose him

Piccolo:He is the only person we know who is strong enough for the tournament, do you know someone else who would like to participate?

Vegeta:.....Tch! You are right about that

Beerus:Where the hell are they? there are only about fifteen minutes left for the tournament to begin!!

In that all felt two ki high enough in the place, all turned to see (Y/N) with the new warrior of the universe 7

In that all felt two ki high enough in the place, all turned to see (Y/N) with the new warrior of the universe 7

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Cell:Well, well, it looks like there are still familiar faces

Cell looked around,he could see 17 and 18 with very annoying faces

Cell:And apparently you two have also become very strong

Raditz:It will be better that you behave, Cell

Cell:Raditz, a long time ago without seeing you, how is that hole in your chest?

Raditz clenched his fists and tried to approach Cell but was stopped by Goki

Goki:Okay Cell, it's enough, you know why we revive you

Cell:Yes, your friend told me everything in the Time Chamber, I just hope that this tournament is not a disappointment, after all I need someone strong to try all my new power

Vegeta:Do not worry, after the tournament you will have to face me

Cell:Vegeta,I already said that I want a real fight,not a disappointment


(Y/N):Man,this guy is savage!

A vein appeared in Vegeta's forehead,he became Super Saiyan but before he could do anything,Beerus got in the middle of Cell and Vegeta

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