Chapter 10

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[Third Person-POV]

Whis:Okay, here we are

All the team from Universe 7 had arrived at the place where the exhibition tournament would take place,you could see that there were also other universes,in that,the two Zen-Oh and Daishinkan arrived at the place

Daishinkan:It is a pleasure that all the universes have been presented to the exhibition tournament, this tournament is mainly for our Zen-Oh to be present of the tournament and the rules that will be presented,The rules are as follows, you can not use healing objects but nevertheless, healing abilities can be used without problems, fusion is prohibited as well as weapons, for now those are the rules,the first universes to fight will be the universe 7 against the universe 9,please those who are going to fight show up in the ring

Goki:Alright, I want to go first!

Gohan:Okay, be careful mom

(Y/N):Good luck honey

Goki nodded,she jumped into the ring and saw the person who was going to face

Goki nodded,she jumped into the ring and saw the person who was going to face

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Goki:And who are you?

Bergamo:I am Bergamo,The Crusher,I am the big brother of the Trio Of Danger and apparently you are the cause of all this!

Goki:Eh? Well, yes, that's true

Bergamo:I assumed that, I will give you a small demonstration of my power!!

Bergamo launched against Goki,she stopped Bergamo's attack and hit him in the face making him back off,Goki ran towards him and kicked him,Goki kept hitting Bergamo without him dodging a blow

Gohan:How strange, why is it not dodging?

(Y/N) looked at Gohan for a few seconds


(Y/N):No,nothing I just had a deja vu from our last training

The two turned to Goki's combat, both saw how Goki gave a final blow to Bergamo

Goki:Come on, that's all you have?

Bergamo:.....Hehe now you will know why they say to me, Bergamo, the crusher!!!

Suddenly Bergamo increased his size surprising Goki

Goki:Oh my god, it's very big!......well, this will be easier for me

Bergamo:Do not be too confident, in this way I am very Where is she?

Bergamo realized that Goki had disappeared,he felt something behind him


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