Chapter 1: Joe

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So I was walking down to my favorite restaurant looking for my best friend Evan I sat down at the spot he told me to sit at but he was late so, I pulled out my phone and started updating my story on wattpad until he finally came.
"Hey!" he said "Sup" I said back "So what do want to discuss?" "I wanted to discuss the Jewels." "Oh ok."
"I think I know where one of the Jewels are." I said "Ok Cool Let's go find them!" "I need the others first." " Are you sure about that they're still in high school." "I'm sure." I said. "Ok." He said back

Later we went to where we could usually find Jack and Andy..... in their dorms online dating

At top of his lungs Evan screamed "FBI OPEN UP!!!"
as he kicked open the door.
"Holy crap!" Jack said
"What the hell are you guys doing here?"
"We're here to-."
"To force you on badass adventure to find mythical
Artifact that could make us rich." Evan said
I facepalmed myself while cringing real bad.
"Cool I'm in." Andy responded
"Hell yeah!! I'm in."Jack responded
"Great! Now get sleep and meet me at the docks 12pm sharp."
"Ok." They said in unison
I walk out of the building as me and my friends go our separate ways thinking "Wow I'm really doing this." I Head back to my apartment and sit down reading about the Jewels. "So the one we're looking for is the Jewel of Power. Sweet, it says it's in the ruins called......

"The Forbidden Temple."

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