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taehyung was startled when he felt his phone buzz from within his jacket pocket. he read his newly received message which happened to be from jungkook letting him know that he was outside. the corner of his lips were pulled into a shy smile as he comprehended the message's context. he grabbed his keys and wallet and was out of the door pretty quickly. he walked outside and saw jungkook leaning against the door of the passenger seat with a smug smile smeared across his face.

"your carriage awaits, my love," he grinned opening the door for taehyung to get in.

"you're gay," taehyung replied as he got inside of the car, not before sending a playful wink to jungkook.

jungkook rolled his eyes playfully and shut the car door, only to then enter the driver's side and start the engine.

they had soon arrived at the location of the arcade and got out of the car after parking it. jungkook, like the gentleman he was, opened the door for taehyung to get out- well, taehyung went to open the car door on his side and jungkook scrambled over him and closed the door, only to get out, walk around, and open it for him. but yeah, still a gentleman, i suppose.

the breeze of the cool autumn evening was refreshing to the two boys. it gave them a moment of peacefulness before they entered the building and were suddenly immersed in a multitude of people playing games and laughing and kids running around and challenging each other. it had been so long since either of them had been to an arcade so i guess you could say that the atmosphere, though some might not think, was refreshing too. in a different way.

"so, what first?" jungkook asked as he turned to look at taehyung.

"mm, air hockey!" taehyung exclaimed as said game had caught his attention when he saw the table was unoccupied. he quickly sped off and over to the game as jungkook followed closely behind him. jungkook then put a few coins in the machine and they were gifted with the puck. they both grabbed a pusher each and stood at opposite ends of the table.

taehyung gave jungkook a challenging smirk. "you ready, jeon?"

"i was born ready."


they had been playing in the arcade for a fair few hours and it was practically pitch black outside. but the two boys hadn't noticed. they were too busy having bucket loads of fun with each other. they were both very competitive people so every game was a game filled with competition, joking intensity and a lot of laughing.

it got to the point where both of them were so tired out of the constant gaming so they both took a seat at the table which was near where the cheap food and drinks were, which were mostly for the kids.

"shit, i'm knackered," jungkook sighed as he sat down.

"yeah. it's, like, ten o'clock already," taehyung replied.

"wanna get some food?" jungkook asked, to which taehyung nodded.

they left the arcade and drove to a small little twenty-four-hour diner. since it was pretty late at night there weren't many people there. just a college student that was focused solely on her college work and was on her fourth cup of black coffee and a man who worked nights.

they sat down at a booth towards the back and ordered drinks and a bite to eat. they sat there and ate and talked and laughed for practically hours.

"remember that girl who saw us? that recognised us?" jungkook said.

"yeah! i swear i saw her soul leave her body," taehyung laughed.

"she must've been a taekook shipper," jungkook chuckled.

"a what now?"

"taekook... taehyung and jungkook..." jungkook trailed off, hoping taehyung would catch on to the implication.

"oh! yeah probably," taehyung smiled. "i really had a lot of fun today, koo. thank you for taking me out."

"i had a lot of fun too," jungkook replied with a smile equally as wide, if not wider.

what, at first, was quite late turned into really late and it was time that the boys headed home. they realised that and so jungkook drove taehyung to his apartment building and walked with him to his front door.

taehyung bit his lip before asking the other a question. a question that he hoped he wouldn't regret. "will i see you again soon?"

"do you want to see me again?" jungkook grinned, already having an idea as to what the answer may be.

"of course i do. today was so great. what did you think i was gonna say? no? dickhead," taehyung replied, the last part sarcastic.

jungkook laughed and rolled his eyes. "i'll take you out again soon, doll."

"good," taehyung smiled.

jungkook moved a piece of hair that fell into taehyung's face. "rest well tonight."

"you too."

they departed. taehyung into his living room and jungkook into his car. both thinking about what a good time they had together. it was definitely something that they hoped to do again soon.



i'm back !!!!!!!


i'm sorry i left for like a month jtmgnr and i didn't update for three months before that fjdksn

but i'm back !!!!!

i love you guys :)

i hope you all had a good day!!

fuck bitches get money,
— skinny penis

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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