“Oh no…” The tailor mumbled when she saw who was holding the sword. It was a very young looking elf, possibly in the same age group as Callum looking down at her with narrowed eyes and a very wary expression on her face.

“Who are you, an’ how'd you get into the garden?” The elf spat, pressing the tip of her blade closer to Enya's neck.

“Uh...I just walked up the mountain, saw some illusion spiders and fell asleep here?” Enya replied, nervously looking at the sword that was possibly going to kill her. “I swear I am unarmed, and I mean no harm!”

“Really? Then what do you have there attached to your belt, eh?” The elf asked pointing to the hunting knife Enya had forgotten was on her.

“Oh that,I completely forgot about this one.” Enya gave a small nervous laugh. “Uh one moment.” She carefully removed the knife from her belt and held it up so the elf could see it, and quickly tossed it as far as she could. “Happy?”

“How did you find this place? The mountain is crawling with freaky illusions that will drive anyone crazy!”

“I just told you, I just had seen the weird illusions, but after seeing they were fake I just ignored them. Does that explain everything?”

“Well maybe, except you never told me who you are, and what you are doing all the way up here.” The elf said poking Enya in the chest with one sword, not hard enough to penetrate through the clothes and skin, but hard enough for Enya to feel the pokes.


“Enya! Callum, it's Enya!” Enya looked over to her left to see a familiar fluffy haired child carrying an equally familiar grumpy toad under one arm. “Enya! You're here!”

“Ez! Thank goodness!” Enya exclaimed, relief flooding her body as the little prince approached them. “Ah can you get the elf to back away so I can get up? She's really starting to scare me a bit!”

“Oh this is Rayla! Rayla, meet Enya, our personal tailor and one of our closest friends!” Ezran said pointing to who was who. “Rayla's one of our new friends who ran with us out of the palace and saved us a lot!”

“Personal tailor?” The elf, Rayla, said looking at Enya skeptically. “And what's a royal tailor doing so far from Katolis?”

“I came looking for my friends.” Enya scoffed, carefully pushing the blade away from her neck and stood up and held her arms out to Ezran. “Come here so I can give you and Bait a good old fashioned bear hug!”

“Enya!” The tailor looked up and her smile grew when she saw Callum running towards them with a smile equally as large as hers. Both boys were soon being hugged by the girl they liked to call their sister, clinging to her tightly as if they'd been apart for years and not just a few days.

“You two really worried me! When Viren claimed you two were killed by the assassins I literally fainted from shock!” Enya exclaimed as she loosened her hug. “But then your aunt told me you two were alive I was so relieved!”

“Seriously? Someone thought I killed them?” Rayla asked with another frown and raised her oddly shaped short swords. “The only life I've taken with these two blades was the life of some leech thing that tried to kill us!”

“Hey she wasn't accusing you of killing us, she said someone assumed that we were killed.” Callum explained quickly and motioned for Rayla to lower her swords. “And you can trust Enya, she's a really good friend of ours, practically like a sister to me and Ez, and she's very harmless unless you try to take her jelly tarts.”

“She had a huntin’ knife!” Rayla exclaimed and pointed in the direction of where Enya had thrown the knife, which was lying several feet away from them. “We don't know the real reason why she's here!”

Ezran walked right back over to the knife and picked it up. “Oh a hunting knife! Your dad said you used to have one when you were little!”

“Yeah and I lost it too, this was just lent to me.” Enya said taking the knife back and placed it back in it's sheath.

“So why are you here anyways?” Callum asked.

“I was sent by commander Gren. He was supposed to come looking for you two, but he was a bit preoccupied and asked me to do it.” Enya explained. “I was even looking for my father, who I found at the lodge and he's resting in the infirmary down in the town you all ran from.”

“Wait your dad was missing?” Callum asked in surprise.

“Hey where's Amaya?” Ezran asked. “She always comes everywhere with you!”

“Back with my dad, keeping an eye on him.” Enya replied. “So anyways-”

“Wait wait, you brought their aunt and left her to defend your father?” Rayla interrupted, slipping her swords back up her back and held her hands up.

“Uh no, I have a dog named Amaya. Their aunt is at the border.” Enya explained and looked at the elf funny. “Why would I even need to bring their aunt with me?”

“She's only met one Amaya in her life, cut her some slack.” Callum chuckled and patted Rayla's shoulder. “So anyways, care to join us for breakfast?”

“Believe me, I'm starving and a bit tired of eating stale bread.” Enya laughed as she let the two boys lead her off, happily babbling about what had happened on their journey.

“So no one is going to listen to me? Fine!” Rayla muttered as she walked after the three humans. “She seems harmless enough, but I'm still suspicious.”

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