18.|| heartbeat - henry bowers

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Authors note: This is a soulmate AU. If any of you want to request a specific AU, you can do so in the comments :)

He knows its there. A rhythm beating in his chest, keeping him alive. But when he puts his hand on the spot where it's supposed to be, he feels nothing. No beat, no drum, no sign of life.

Although he can't feel anything, he gets an ache in his chest every time he sees couples together. He's envious of them, angry that he can't have happiness nor a heartbeat-like them. But life goes on, and although Henry rather waits forever for his soulmate he continues living on.

thump thump

He's shot awake. The fear mixed with curiosity creeping up his spine as he opens his eyes and looks around the dusty school library. Nothing, no one. He hates himself for being so desperate, pushing his mind into hearing something that's just not there.

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This time he feels it, the feeling echoing through his body and weighing heavy on his mind. It can't be. Henry scans the room, searching any place his eyes can reach for a sign of life.

He couldn't see her. But she was there, he felt her presence all around him: nipping at his skin and eating away at his patience. Fuck, it was killing him, the anticipation, everything.

thump thump

Everything got the best of him, and before his mind could even register it, he was walking down the different aisles searching for her. He didn't know what he would do if he did find her, what was he supposed to do? He can't just act like it's nothing and just-

As Henry rounds a corner to the foreign languages section, he sees her. His heart is beating so fast he's scared that it will explode, but it's perfect. You're perfect. And when you look up from the bright yellow book in your hands with those beautiful eyes, Henry knows he's completely yours.

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