2.|| mornings with you - henry bowers

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Warning: This is the fluffiest thing I've ever written. And I'm honestly so in love with it. 

waking up to the feeling of your heart beating against his was something Henry adored. The warmth of your body pressed to his, making the idea of ever leaving almost slip from his mind. 

But today, he had to- just like yesterday and the day before that- slip out of bed and go back home.

As he sat on the chair in the corner of your room, only wearing his jeans, he looked at you. God, how lucky he felt having you. And the way you looked now, your body only covered by his shirt and your hair a mess. He had never felt more in love. 

However, when his eyes slipped to the clock on your nightstand, the content smile on his lips sank to a frown. He'd have to leave soon. Thus he got back to dressing.

After he tightened his shoelaces, he carefully walked back over to your side of the bed. Avoiding making any noise as he kneeled down at your form and gently reached out to run his fingers through your hair. 

Oh, how his younger self would've laughed at the thought that he'd end up like this. On both knees, caressing the locks of a girl he loved dearly, while feeling like he could cry out of joy. Oh, how he would've laughed.

But as Henry sat there, eyes blurry, he could only focus on you. You and the uncountable ways in which you were beautiful, the way your lips parted; letting out soft breaths while your chest moved up and down, the way the skin of your collarbone was covered with red marks made by his lips just a couple of hours before. 

It mustn't be healthy how much he feels right now.  

And before he tries to stand up and leave, he presses his lips against your skin. Gently kissing every bit of skin as he trails his lips up your neck, over your chin, and finally stopping on your lips. And as if fragile, he kisses your lips so light and gentle he almost doesn't recognize himself anymore.

But gentle wasn't gentle enough as he feels your lips curve into a soft smile, and when his lips part from yours to see if you were awake, he was greeted by your kind eyes.

"Goodmorning." You simply say, making Henry smile. 

Yeah, this really isn't healthy. But if he were to die right now. He'd die a happy man.

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