5.|| possessive - patrick hockstetter

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Request: Imagine, inspirations, whatever. But Patrick getting possessive because you and Henry either (a) have been hanging out a lot or (b) just naturally seem to click, even though you probably wouldn't bang Henry. Probably...

Authors Note: I turned this one into a headcanon because my writing skills have been lacking the last couple of days... And thank you to everyone that has sent in requests, your the absolute best and I'm going to do my best writing them all. Enjoy;)

• You became friends with the Bowers Gang over the summer.

• All of your friends and classmates were out of town, except, of course, the 4 boys that made the Bowers Gang. So after a couple of really boring days, you came up to them and started a conversation.  

• You were surprised to find out that after what seemed like an endless amount of weird and sexual comments they could have a normal conversation.

• The first person to warm up to you was Henry. He asked you questions about yourself and invited you to come along with them to Quarry (with the disapproving faces of his friends, of course.) 

• After that day, the guys picked you up every day to bring you with them to party's or to just drive around town. Everyone seemed to be happy with the new company, except Patrick...

• You didn't talk a lot and opted to stay quiet when you were together in the backseat of Belch's car. But, when one late and drunk night you got left alone with him in a room for whatever reason, a conversation sparked between the two of you. You talked for what seemed like hours and a friendship has existed ever since that day. 

• The last couple of weeks of maybe the best summer of your life flew by in what seemed like seconds.

• You were a little sad. Not only did school start again, but your friendship would probably be forgotten and you'd have to go back to your old friends.

•  But when the first day of school, the familiar blue Trans Am pulled into your driveway, you knew that this school year was going to be much different than the ones before.

• Your friendship stayed the same and lucky for you, you even shared some classes with The guys. Math, History, and English with Henry, and Chemistry with Patrick.

• Because you shared so many classes with Henry, you two grew closer. You did homework and projects together and you tutored him for Math.

• Although you spent a lot of time with Henry, you still made time for time for the others. After school, you hung out with them all at the Quarry, and every night Patrick knocked on your bedroom window. The two of you talked, and talked, and talked, for hours. And one night you both fell asleep on your bed.

• The morning after was also the moment Patrick realized that he had a crush on you. You just looked so cute. Laying there with your eyes closed, your pink lips slightly parted, and your face only inches away from his. It took him everything to not press his lips to yours, but he was a good boy and quietly climbed out of your window.

• After that morning, Patrick felt a strike of jealousy hit him every time he saw Henry put an arm around you or just touched you. Every time he saw it he just wanted to rip you out of his touch and kiss you right in front of them and show them you were his, and only his.

• So when one day he sees Henry put his arm around your waist and push you to him, he couldn't contain himself anymore. He practically ran to his friend and wrapped his hands around your arm before pulling you away from Henry.

- "What the fuck?" Henry cursed as he looked at his friend with a bitter look. Patrick, however, chooses to ignore his friend and let his eyes settle on your figure that now stood in his arms. As his eyes looked at you, you couldn't help but blush. His stare was so intense and so hungry... 

"Don't let him put a finger on you again, I'm the only one that gets to touch you."

• That day after you left, Patrick shouted some words and threats at Henry and made sure that after today he'd be the only one that got touch you.

• Not long after that day Patrick gathered all his courage and went up to you.

- "Hey, Patrick!" You exclaim as Patrick climbs through your bedroom window. 

"Hey, I need to talk to you." Patrick nervously scratches the back of his head and sits down on your desk chair. You sigh and quickly follow behind him before sitting down on his lap. 

"If this is about Henry. He hasn't even looked at me for the last couple of days." Normally those words would've brought a smile to his face, but he was to focused on keeping down the whimper that threatened to leave his lips as he felt parts of you rubbing against him that he had never felt before. "Patrick?" You say and put a hand on his cheek. "You still there?" Patrick snapped out of his trance and looked at you. God, why did you need to look so beautiful? 

"Y-yeah, I just need to tell you something." You nod and Patrick takes a final breath. "I like you, Y/N. And I want you to be mine."

You smile as you listened to his words. You already knew he liked, you were kinda just waiting for him to confess. And now that you hear his slightly nervous confession, you can't help but feel a little happy. As you thought about your answer, Patrick looked at you with nervous eyes. Did he just fuck it up? 

After a couple of seconds, you looked into his eyes and cupped his cheeks. "I think I'd like to be yours, Patrick." As you finish your sentence you lean and let your lips collide in a gentle kiss.

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