Chapter 4, The Woman in Purple

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             The beast looks away and moves on out of sight. I retreat to the room I was given and lock myself in. Now that I was alone again and completed my duties it was finally the time to leave. I quickly gather as many of my belongings I can. Then there was a woman's voice from above me, "No, No, No, not the time for that yet." Hastily I look toward the roof and all that was there was a large yellow snake of some kind with sky blue eyes. I was surprised at first but then wondered how it got in here and how it got up in the rafters. Then it got closer. It was larger than I thought it was. Much larger. I heard a childish disseminate laughter and a woman's voice speak, "You mortals are so silly. Weak, But silly. Poor little baby, all you wanted to do was find your child and look at you now. A slave. Poor, Poor Alcindor." It was coming from every direction. That voice was everywhere. That yellow snake kept coming near me. A thought came to my mind those creatures are serpents so they could be even like this. I start to retreat slowly toward the door. "OH, you finally figure it out that's good. I want you to get to know me, little hatchling. your life depends on it. So now let me help you, Come closer to me. Come here child," states the serpent.

          As I inch toward the door it just keeps coming closer. I shout, "what kind of help do you offer!?" It giggles and says, "To help you leave here of course. I'm the only one truly willing to help you leave. Also, the only one that knows your daughter and knows where she is. So come here and I'll show her to you." This thing is lying to me they have Psyonics of some sort. They have the capability of mind control or mind reading. I have started to unlock the door behind me. this thing is getting too close. The moment I unlocked the door and tried to run it clung hold of my leg. It dragged me back into the room. It had so many arms, they swarmed over me like a tidal wave. Then I opened my eyes I was sitting in the dirt outside the serpent sitting in front of me began to change. Change into a very tall wood elf woman her eyes still blue and hair that seemed to be gilded with gold. She was adorned in astonishing robes of a high-class battle mage or sorcerer. She then says to me gently, "Some times words can be true. And I, Astuli Ajar-eyes am telling the truth to you." That name is familiar to me, and yet I don't remember it. I ask, "If you are helping me then I am grateful, but there are some others whom we need to have on the journey. Peoples lives who've I ruined because I asked them to aid me on this adventure. One is a dwarf named Issan, and the other is an orc named Krueger they deserve better than what is probably happening to them now. Astuli smiled and leaned down to be face to face with me and says, "Okay, I like your attitude it's nice and honorable, but what of the other crew." She stares deep into me with unblinking eyes her pupils slit purple outlines them with the vast sky blue around it. Her presence started weighing down on me suffocating me. All I could say was, "Do what right." She chuckles at my statement then says, "There are no rights, there are no wrongs only morals and I will use my own. And I'm starved."

        She then produces a bag. Reaches in and pulls out little candy soldiers and sailors and eats them. I was genuinely confused. Afterward, she starts casting a spell speaking in a tongue that makes the very air glow a dim light. Then she flashed her eyes open and Krueger appeared before us he was soggy and beaten. "I am alive. I am on land. Alcindor your here, have I finally died?" Krueger says. "No, Krueger we are very much alive. Now, I will explain everything later. Do you need healing? I say. Krueger replies, "No I-I'm fine." She repeats her spell again, but when she does Krueger stares at her with shock and awe in his eyes. Krueger then brings himself to a kneel and produces his blade and drives it in the dirt bowing to her. Astuli flashes her eyes and Issan appears adjacent to Krueger, Astuli notices Krueger's posture and ecstatically says, "Oh, your own of my faithful! How wondrous that someone sees me as I am and not with there hist-aria. You are now my favorite child little Krueger, be proud." I am now very, very lost in all context as to what was happening. My attention turns to Issan sitting in the dirt his eyes are hallowing and empty. He finally looks up, right at Astuli. At that moment all I could see in him was the embodiment of hatred and rage. He clutched his fake hand and pulled it out as a long dagger. He went to kill her. Screaming, "You Filthy Witch!" And as sudden as it was it was over as Astuli did something I did not expect. Her arm driven through his chest and out Issan's back she had that pressuring stare straight at him. His eyes once again empty as he slumps to the ground dead.

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