Chapter 2, The Coiled Tormentor

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               I awaken, my wounds are mended and it seems I was tended to for food and water as well. It seems I was laying on a straw and wool or cotton bed. My surroundings are odd. The room is made from greenstone bricks. The walls are all curved inward to pillars shaped as tall coiled serpents hissing angrily. Many things are trimmed in gold and Jewels. I dare not touch any of it. There are many questions inside my mind. As I check my physical condition I notice an odd bracelet on my wrist and all my gear is gone, all but my trousers. A human or Half-elf woman walks in dressed in silks and gold bracers of serpents with jade earrings. She looks at me happily and states, "Come with me."

            "You are my new errand boy so I will show you everything you must do and the room you will be staying," the woman stated. As was going to tell the woman off all I say is, "Yes Mistress." My eyes widen as I stare down at the bracelet in terror. This item was most likely enchanted to make me serve her. This was not good. Throughout my adventures, I heard stories from crazed and insane slaves I freed, and they all say the same thing. They spoke of giant cruel, evil, and hollow Serpent folk who used such things on them. I should have listened to them. As the Mistress walked away, my body began to act of her wishes against my own. I followed.

             She takes me around the structure casually and explains in very specific detail the menial labor I was tasked with every day. It seemed monotonous and pointless. She then took me to my quarters and told me that I was lucky she found me visually appealing or else I would have been cattle. I was both relieved and terrified at the entirety of that statement. Then she left. I then sat there for 5 minutes before I was suddenly myself again. The first thing I did was try to remove the bracelet in vain. It was well enchanted. I went out of the room in search of another person eventually I was successful. There was a Gold Dragonborn cleaning some tables. As I went up to speak with him, I was stopped by the voice of that woman saying, "Alcindor Arrivati. Why are you still dressed like that I thought your kind was very particular about how you look," she said mockingly. My only questions were how she knew my name, and what she was.

         "Come, come to my pet let me help you with your clothes. How silly that you must need help I thought elves were smart," she mocked. I was infuriated I was going to tell that slanderous bitch off, but instead, I say, "Yes ma'am, Of course, ma'am." I hated everything. I followed her to that room and she be-gratingly redressed me like a doll as if I wasn't a person. Now I am dressed in ancient frilly dress clothes from the beginning of the second era. How she has multiple perfectly preserved irked foreword a question I was able to say aloud, "how old are you?" she paused, and said, "Just look at your clothes and that was how my grandfather was dressed when I was a child." I was sure she must have been joking in some manner. She was a human or a half-elf or something. And so, I followed up with, "what is your race?" She stared at me and slowly began to smile as her pupils slowly turned into slits and say, "You already know, worthless creature. Although I will say my name, I am Nasali."

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