Chapter 219-Jian Baraaz's Pledge

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Bit of a shorter chapter today. Sorry for so much dialogue but it reveals a lot of the backstory of NPOA. Let me know what you want to see more of in the comments, and as always thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

"You say it as if humanity and the Hells are destined to fight together...but even if you see it differently, all I have seen is...enmity between our two races. Why are you so sure that we will fight together?" Lineir was confused. The middle-aged demon chuckled lightly, taking another sip of his tea while boiling another cup with a snap of his fingers and placing it in front of Lineir.

"You think this enmity is really something? Look at us drinking tea right now. See how simple it is to talk things out? People like to make big deals out of small things. No...this enmity is not real at all. Merely a few years of war are nothing in the grand scheme of things. Empires come and go, but humanity and the Hells are intricately linked. After all...another secret of yours I can see. That armor of your's, no doubt you believe it comes from a human ancestor. Let me see...I suppose your race knew him as Lord Midnight? He has another name down here. If anything, he was even more famous in the Hells than in the earth or High Heavens. In my generation he was called...The Midnight King." The middle-aged demon grinned knowingly as Lineir had to resist the urge to put his hand to his chest.

"How do you know about it...and so what if he had a different name down here?" Lineir felt the hairs on his neck stand up. Can he also sense the Midnight Pagoda? Then...oh no!

"Hahaha...I would be a real old man if I could not remember the armor of my former general. Despite all the years...I would never forget that particular feeling. So long ago and yet...I can taste the fresh blood like today. How I wish I could have joined that battlefield..." The middle-aged demon's eyes became unfocused but utterly bloodthirsty. His desire seemed to have reached the Heavens. Squinting until his eyebrows seemed to have become slashing blades he refocused on Lineir.

"You don't get it kid. What I'm saying is that Lord Midnight is merely the human moniker given to him by the human race when he joined their alliance! His true name from the the Midnight King! He is a demon of our race and you wear his armor! You walk under the protection of  one of the Unbound One's most trusted generals. And could be said that you have inherited his will. Human or demon I care not so long as you refrain from blatant discrimination against my kind I, Jian Baraaz, am honorbound to protect you so long as you remain in this world!" The demon knelt down and presented a gleaming ruby sword to Lineir for inspection. Lineir at this point was completely lost. He wants to pledge his loyalty to me?

"There's no need for this..." He said, not sure if he should try to pull the kneeling demon to his feet. However, the demon refused to budge.

"Do you realize how many regrets I have that I could not join my master in the Final Battle? Even if I had fallen there like so many of my brothers, it would have been a glorious end to my lineage! now that you have arrived wearing his armor, how I can let this chance to reclaim my honor go? Accept my pledge kid, and I will serve you faithfully in the Hells...and even travel to your lands to wage war on the Heavens themselves when the time comes!"  The demon seemed to relish the thought of leaving the Hells. He licked his lips, his horns seeming to become spikes which would rise up and pierce the veil of the world! For a second Lineir saw a phantom image behind the demon of his true self. A proud ancient warrior hidden in seclusion was kneeling in front of him. Ephemeral armor lay upon his chest and embossed in the corner was not just the emblem of the Baraaz clan...but also the same mark which adorned the Midnight King's armor!

"Fine! Fine! I accept. So long as you don't betray me I have no reason not too. But what does this mean?" Lineir could only shake his head ruefully at this insistent warrior's promise in the end. He didn't want to spend the rest of eternity watching this demon kneel.

"What does this mean? It means I shall be your vassal. I may not have been one of the peak players in the last generation but I am still considered powerful in the Hells. I suppose your people would classify me as a King though I do not consider that to be much. If I could just absorb the free Qi in your human lands which does not exist in the Hells then I would be just as powerful as your God Realm fighters!" Jian Baraaz said fiercely and Lineir felt shivers run down his spine. Wait...this guy's a freaking King!!

Nine Paths of Asura - Original Wuxia Part 2!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora