Chapter 5

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"Okay. Google." Mark called for his new program to turn on. Since his Google IRL video went so popular, he decided to specially download his own Google-plier!! It was a hologram of his Google character that... was too realistic for Mark's liking.

Google's sneering expression popped up on Mark's screen.

"What. Do. You want....?" Google huffed impatiently. "I was...busy."
"Jeez, I need to turn your positivity mode on."
Google's expression became panicked. "No....please do not do that." A bead of digital sweat formed on his forehead. Mark huffed.
"Anyways, Google, look at this picture of this girl. We got a selfie together whole she was in line the first time. Find her."
Google sighed. "Stalker, much?..." then a devious smile crossed his face. "About time. Searching...." Google froze for a moment as it searched.

"23 results for the photo you've given me."
"Wonderful! Alright, show me what you found."

Mark clicked a social media link. Her picture popped up. He examined it cautiously.
"Yeah, that's her...."
The mouse on the screen suddenly gained a mind of it's own. It pointed to the 'add friend' button, and Mark glanced at Google. He rolled his eyes. "Friend her, you buffoon. That would be the smart thing to do."

"....I don't wanna startle her though...." Mark drummed his fingers on his desk. "....oh, what the hell?.... itll get this off my mind if I just do it...." he hovered the mouse over the 'add friend' button and clicked it. Google stared at Mark. Mark huffed in relief. "Alright, that's done." He was about to click the red X in the corner of the window, but a picture in her gallery caught his eye.


Mark clicked the picture, and it popped up on the screen.

"Shut up."

It was Michelle and what looked like her parents. She looked so happy with them. They had one arm each around her, and they were all smiling and laughing, frozen in time inside the picture. But her smile was the bubbliest and brightest of them all. Mark sighed.

"....shes a happy kid, isnt she...?"
"Sorry. I couldn't find any results for that." Google muttered sarcastically.

Mark huffed. "You're just jealous that you can't feel emotion."
"Quite the opposite, actually. Emotions make you weak... and if you're weak, then you wont be prepared for the fall of man...." Google hissed darkly, causing the two to fall into silence.

".....oooookie dokie then. Personal issues. TMI." He closed out of the tab and opened his recording program.

"Alright... time for a new vide-"

"Ah bup bup, doofus. You have a new email. From Michelle."

"....wait, what?" Mark did a double take, and already having his headphones on, made it look even more ridiculously silly.

"Yup. Knock yourself out."

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