Chapter 37

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Opie did take care of it. With the help of Juice and Jax, Simone's defense attorney was killed, and the house ransacked. Police were investigating a robbery gone wrong instead of a murder and that was enough for Opie, Jax and Juice to feel they'd gotten away with it.

Eva didn't feel as though she'd gotten away with anything. There was a distance between her and Opie, one that grew the more they denied it until one night Eva decided she'd had enough. Bringing Harry with her, she went to the clubhouse to find her husband. When Tig saw Eva, he immediately intercepted her.

"Hey," he said. "Lookin' for Opie?"

"No, I'm here for a drink and a crow eater blow job," she said sarcastically. "Yes, I'm here for Opie."

"I'll get him," Tig offered.

"I can get him, just tell me where he is," Eva said quickly.

"Just wait," he said impatiently. 

Eva's face fell. She knew those men well enough to know what that meant. With Harry on her hip, she charged down the hallway and swung the apartment door open. Opie was sitting on the bed, head in his hands, while Donna leaned on the desk across the room.

"What the fuck?"

Opie's head shot up, "Shit, Eva."

"What is this?"

"Nothing," Donna said quickly, "At least nothing like that."

"Shut up," Eva growled at Donna. She turned her attention back to Opie. "What are you doing? You've been acting shady for weeks, Ope. What the fuck is going on?"

"Eva," Jax said as he hurried out of the bathroom. "It's all good, darlin'."

Drawing her head back, Eva looked at the three of them. "Okay. Uh. Less furious but even more confused now. Someone fucking talk."

"Kenny's having an issue at school," Donna explained. "We thought it was typical stuff but it's not. We just can't get him to talk to anyone."

"Oh," Eva's whole body relaxed. "Shit. I'm...I'm sorry."

"I shoulda said something," Opie admitted. "I've been trying to spend more time with him and Ellie. The teacher said it might be his reaction to all the shit that's happened. Divorce, the baby, the attack," Opie shook his head. "Kid's lost his head."

"Oh, yeah, I totally get it," Eva tried to be supportive. She came tearing in the room so sure of what she thought she'd find and it was the last thing she expected that she was struggling to find something of substance to say.

"Tara's got some numbers, some shrinks, and shit," Jax explained. "That's why I'm here."

Eva nodded. "Uh, yeah. That makes sense."

"Here," Donna reached out for Harry. "I can take him. Seems like you two might need to talk."

"Yeah, we definitely do," Eva chuckled nervously. "Sorry, Donna. I really thought you guys were hooking up or something but, I know deep down you wouldn't," she said embarrassedly.

"Yeah," Donna said uncomfortably. "I'll see you guys out there." She couldn't leave the room fast enough.

"I'm out too," Jax said quickly. He looked at Opie with concern before slipping out after Donna.

"I'm sorry," Eva said quickly.

"Don't apologize, I've been shitty to you lately."

Eva nodded, not hiding how she felt and sat beside him on the bed. "It's been weird. I still can't believe any of this, any of what happened."

"Me neither," he sighed.

"I'm sorry, Ope," Eva huffed. "And I do need to apologize. I'm not an innocent bystander anymore."

Opie smirked for a second. "Yeah, no shit."

Eva rolled her eyes. "So? What's Kenny getting into?"

"Fighting mostly, really violent shit," Opie grumbled. "His grades aren't great but that might be genetic."

"Oh," she whimpered. "Poor Kenny."

"He's a mess," Opie told her. "I can't pretend this shit isn't on me."

"Opie," she said sweetly, "You couldn't control a lot of the shit that's probably weighing on him."

"Or I'm just surrounded by a bunch of fucking psychos." As soon as the words left his lips Opie froze, looking at Eva for a reaction. "I'm sorry."

Eva took a deep breath and nodded. "Not like you're wrong," she grumbled. "I wanted to talk to you about that."

"What?" He asked sadly. "Please, Eva, don't tell me there's another one."

"No," she said defensively. "I think I figured it out."

"Figured it out?"

Eva huffed. "I was talking to my therapist and-"

"You told your shrink?" He snapped.

"No, Jesus Christ," she snapped back. "Let me fucking talk, Opie."

"Alright," he huffed, "Talk."

She sneered but went on with her story. "I was talking to her, I told her I had these recurring dreams about a guy I knew who was a piece of shit, he didn't hurt me or anything, but I knew what kind of person he was. So, we dissected that and she thinks that I was dreaming about it because subconsciously I need to feel in control of my life and," Eva paused, "It seems to me, again subconsciously, that you and Jax and Piney all come out of things generally untouched. You know, the big biker persona, so I was trying to act as if, as if I was some badass."

"Okay," he said slowly. He needed to take it in, think it over, but he knew he had to say something. "I guess it sounds legit."

Eva scoffed. "Worse part is, I feel bad. I feel bad about hurting people, you specifically."

"You didn't hurt me," he told her, pulling her close, "Pissed me the fuck off and scared me, but the only thing that hurt was the secret and I'm over that."

"I just," she hesitated, "I hate that I'm even questioning it but I have to ask, Ope. Are we okay? Is this okay? Is this still good?"

Opie nodded. "Christ, Eva. You're the only good thing I have right now. Just gotta promise me you can keep your head on straight. I can't be worrying about you like that, I got a million other things in my head and you're sanity can't be one."

Nodding eagerly, Eva took his hand and squeezed it. "I'm sane, I'm good. It feels like a goddamn dream."

"It wasn't," he sighed.

"I know," she frowned. "I love you, Ope."

"I love you too, babe."

Opie leaned in to kiss her but before their lips could even meet, they were rudely interrupted by Juice.

"Hale," he grunted. "They don't have shit. Just rattling our chains. Come on."

"You good?" He asked her.

"Stone-faced and silent," Eva repeated what he'd always told her to do in such situations.

"You're an old lady," he chuckled. "Come on, my little murderess."

Eva followed Opie out dutifully, taking Harry from Donna, and watched as the Sons were harassed and questioned. She actually felt pride in them and in her role as a member of the family. 

"You okay?" Opie asked her quietly.

Looking up at him she smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm good, babe."

Well that took a wild turn toward the end, huh? Lol thanks for following through with me! It was a spur of the moment choice 🤣🤣  hope you didn't hate it! Thanks for reading and supporting my writing!

Check my Instagram, @PBB_Writer, for new stories and polls about new plots etc


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