Chapter 36

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Eva never stopped trying to slip out of the clubhouse, she was anxious and angry and desperate to talk to Opie. Thanks to Gemma, Tig had a lot of practice with wily women and Eva never even got to her car. When Tig disappeared to the bathroom, leaving Bobby in charge of her Eva knew she had to go right then.

"Where ya going?" She asked Juice, watching as he quickly began packing his things after ending a short call with Jax.

"No, I'm not even talking to you, " he said forcefully. "I'm not stupid."

"I know you're not, Juicy," Eva laughed. "Please take me with you. Opie is my husband, this is ridiculous. I need to talk to him."

"Yeah, I mean, I get it," he fumbled over each word, "But, Jax said no."

"Juice take me to Opie. Now."

"Eva, come on," he groaned. "This is probably for your own good!"

Eva rolled her eyes. "There you go, a man thinking he always knows what's in a woman's best interest better than she does."

"Don't pull that shit," Juice chided.

"Everything good?" Tig asked, making his way from the hall.

"Yeah," Juice replied quickly. "She's still trying to leave."

As soon as his head was turned, Eva grabbed her keys from the bar and slipped them into her pocket.

"I'm back now. It's fine, I can handle her," he said dismissively.

"Alright, I'm out," Juice said with relief.

Eva watched as he gathered his things and left, undoubtedly heading to meet with Jax and probably Opie. She didn't have a huge window, she couldn't lose Juice since he was her only led to Jax.

"Can I at least get some air? Sit on the swings or something?"

Tig looked at her, clearly suspicious, but eventually agreed. "Yeah," he huffed. "But I'm sending the goddamn prospect out to watch you."

Eva left the clubhouse casually but once she was clear of TM made a mad dash for her car. She heard Tig holler after her but he sounded far enough away that Eva thought she'd she away clean. When she reached her car, already running thanks to the remote start, she jumped in and squealed out of the lot.

"Jesus Christ," Tig hollered. "Call Jax, let him know that little psycho is on her way."

Juice had enough of a head start that he missed her dramatic exit so when she pulled up behind him he barely paid the car any mind. A few blocks later they arrived at Jax's but Eva let Juice go in and get comfortable before approaching the house.

Without even knocking the door was opened for Eva as soon as she got to the stoop. It was Opie, his face easy to read especially for his wife.

"Hi," she said timidly.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

Eva huffed and rolled her eyes. "Uh, I came to talk to you after that giant blow up."

"You're not sleeping with Jax," he said, "Sorry I flipped out."

"Thank you," she sighed heavily. "I can't believe you would ever think that, Ope."

He grabbed her arm and pulled her into the house. "I dunno if the goddamn truth is actually better, Eva," he snarled.

"Jax told you." Eva didn't know why she was surprised. The truth was the only thing Jax could tell Opie in order to convince him there was no actual affair.

"Yeah, he did. I wish my wife did, though."

"What do you want me to say?" She grumbled. "I'm sorry. I really am. The only thing that made me feel even one bit better was killing that asshole Donny and the idea of killing Simone's lawyer, fuck, it made me happy."

"You need some goddamn help," Opie told her. "You're a fucking psycho."

"No I'm trying to protect myself," she said defensively.

Opie looked at her incredulously as Tig and the others rolled up. "I can protect you."

Eva opened her mouth to hurl an undoubtedly cruel string of words but she didn't. She knew logically that what happened was not Opie's fault. Her emotions were whacked and she was placing blame on him in her own mind for emotional relief, or at least that's what her therapist said.

"I did protect you," he reminded her. "I got our son back. Then, then you fucking killed a person, Eva. I got rid of the body, told you how to clean up, covered everything else up for you. Why didn't you just come to me?"

"I wanted to do it," she told him. "I can't rely on you all the time. What if you get locked up? What if you're the next one that's buried? I have to be able to handle shit for our son by myself."

"No," Opie huffed. "I'm not going anywhere and if I do, you got the club."

"We got an address and his calendar," Juice announced from the kitchen.

"You're doing it?" She asked him with a huff. "The lawyer?"

"Yeah I am," he said firmly. "I know what I'm doing."

"I'm not dumb," she snapped.

"But you're not a murderer," he sighed. "I don't give a shit about what you did, it's not in you, babe. Donny is gonna haunt you, maybe even Ellen Wade. I'm not letting you add to that."

"Fine," she relented as if she could really stop him.

"You're scaring me," he admitted quietly. "Maybe Donny did deserve it, but Eva, this isn't you."

She nodded, her lower lip jutting out in a dramatic pout as she looked up at him. "I wanna go back. Before Donny and Ellen and Simone."

"I know," he sighed with a heavy sigh. "I'll fix everything. Okay? Just trust me."

Eva looked at her feet and nodded. "Okay."

"I love you," he said, lifting her chin to make eye contact, "It's going to be okay."

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