Chapter 52: Three Little Toddlers

Start from the beginning

"I'm glad they love him so much," Gustave replied. "Whether he wants it or not, he needs their friendship."

Erik had taken a section of the paper and began to read. He immediately noticed an article on the Viscount. Erik reported to his family that Raoul's wife had died.

"How sad!" Christine exclaimed once Erik told the news. "Should we send flowers?"

"Why?" Erik questioned.

"Erik, his wife died."

"But it's Raoul."

"Yes, it's Raoul, and I know you hate him, but imagine if I died. Wouldn't you want people to send you flowers?"

"I suppose."

"Then, it's settled. We're sending the Viscount flowers. I'll do it tomorrow."

The adults continued to talk, but Catherine went back to her room.
Catherine longed to take Demetrius outside of the catacombs. She wanted him to have more friends than the two annoying twins known as Apollo and Aphrodite. However, she knew the dangers of taking him out. She knew how people might react to his little distorted face.

"Cath, can I come in?" Came a little voice from the other side of her door.

"Come in, Aphrodite," Catherine called.

Aphrodite entered the room. "Can I go shopping with you and Christy today?"

"I'm sorry, but I promised her it would be just the two of us. She has some personal issues that she wants to talk about with me," Catherine explained. "I'll take you out some other time."

Aphrodite walked away pouting.

Later that day, Catherine took seven-year-old Christy out to lunch and then to the shops. At lunch Catherine asked, "What was it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Uncle Lucas is going to marry Monique. He told me yesterday. I don't know why, but it made me realize that I've never met my parents. Uncle Lucas told me of how they died," Christy reported. "Did you know them?"

"I knew your mother, Celeste LeBlanc, since I was born. She was actually dating my brother Gustave for a time. She left Gustave to go marry your father, Henri LeClair, whom I had only met once. From what I understand, he was a nice man. Your mother though, she was wonderful. She was a very loving person. You are very much like her."

Christy teared up at the mention of her parents. "I didn't know all that. Thank you, Catherine."

The two girls enjoyed the rest of their outing and returned to the opera house in high spirits.
Demetrius greeted Catherine at the door of the opera house.

"Demetrius! What are you doing here? You shouldn't be up here," she exclaimed.

"I came to say hi," Demetrius explained. He paused and then exclaimed, "Hi!"

"You can't be up here," Catherine repeated. "What if somebody sees you?"

"I hadn't thought about that."


"Who's your friend?" Demetrius asked, gesturing towards Christy.

"This is Christine LeClair. Christy for short. This is Lucas's niece," Catherine introduced.

"It's lovely to make your acquaintance, Mademoiselle," Demetrius said with a little bow of his head.

"You must be Gustave's boy. It's lovely to meet you too. And your name is?" Christy asked.

"Demetrius. Demetrius Destler."

"I'm begging your pardon, but how old are you?"

"Four, Mademoiselle," Demetrius replied. "And yourself?"

"Seven. Well, I best get back to my uncle. He'll be worried sick I just know it," Christy laughed. "Thank you so much, Catherine. It was nice meeting you, Demetrius."

"The pleasure was all mine," the young boy beamed.

"Come, Demetrius. We must get you home before others see you," Catherine urged.

"Then let them see. What is there to hide?"

"You don't understand," Catherine pulled him into the shadows. She put a hand on the distorted side of his face and sang, "This haunted face holds no horror for me at all." She spoke, "It's in your soul that the true definition of your character lies, but not all know that."

"I'm sorry to have caused trouble," he replied solemnly.

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault. You didn't know any better. Come, we must return home. Those two little twin fools will be missing you," she said, picking up the small child, who buried his face in her shoulder.

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