The hand that had been placed on hers grabbed her hand, forcefully pulling it off his face. He looked at Lucy in the eye before lighting his hand on fire, crimson flames engulfing both his and Lucy's hand. Lucy screamed at the immense pain, it was unlike anything she'd ever felt before. He lifted Lucy up by her arm, holding her up, their hands still covered by the flames. 

The group all gasped, Gray instantly making his Ice bazooka and firing it Natsu's way. Natsu leapt out the way, throwing Lucy to the ground simultaneously. Lucy landed near Erza causing the ground around her form a small crater from the force she was thrown. Erza instantly ran up to her, along with Happy, Carla, Lily, Makarov and Wendy. Gajeel, Gray and the Tartaros guild all ran towards Natsu, attempting to tackle his flames but failing miserably. 

"Master! Snap out of it!" Jackal yelled at Natsu. Natsu didn't answer. 
"Master please!" Seilah tried to reason with him, but failed. The rest of the group tried but failed to get him to at least respond, trying many different methods but failing every time. The worst thing was, the thing that made Mard shiver, this wasn't even half of their masters power, meaning he was in there somewhere holding himself back. But he was failing. The group started to notice his power beginning to get more and more intense and powerful by the second. This only meant that Natsu was failing to hold himself back, as soon as he lets go of all that pent back power, all hell will break loose.

Lucy slowly opened her eyes to see the relieved faces of Wendy, Happy, Carla, Lily and Erza. She turned her head slightly to see Makarov looking off into the distance with worry etched onto his face. This was when Lucy realised where she was and what was happening. She quickly sat up in panic, only to regret that decision and be met with pain. 

"Calm down Lucy! I've only just healed you." Wendy told her, Lucy hesitantly nodded.
"The impact of Natsu throwing you on the ground like that caused several muscles in your back to tear and you spine was close to snapping, no wonder you passed out!" Wendy exclaimed. "But Wendy here healed you up for the most part, don't overdo yourself though." Carla stated. Lucy hesitantly nodded, gazing over to where the battle was, sadness and worry clear on her face. The rest of the group followed her gaze, everyone now frowning. 

Erza stood up, quickly reequipping into her flame empress armour. "I shall go join them" She stated before running off towards the battle. Wendy jumped up too, "M-me too!" She squeaked, trying to follow Erza's example. She ran off, midway changing into her dragon force form. 

A few seconds later Mard ran through the ash that used to be the forest towards them, coming from the fight. He was limping heavily and collapsed as soon as he saw Makarov, Lucy and the exceeds. Makarov quickly ran up to him, picking him up and bringing him over to Lucy, laying him down next to her. Makarov glanced over Mard's wounds and cringed slightly at the amount of burns that littered across his body. 'He's clearly the one who was trying the hardest to bring Natsu back...' Makarov thought sadly. He gazed over at the ongoing fight in the distance, knowing that he needed Wendy here instead of there so she could quickly heal the wounded. 

As if she read his thoughts, the next person to emerge from the ashes and from from fighting was Wendy herself. She was burnt slightly on her arm but nothing too severe. She ran over to them, the bright pink hair of her dragon force form blowing behind her in the wind. She quickly got to her knees in front of Mard and began healing him, not paying any attention to her own wounds. 

Carla quickly spoke up at that, "Wendy!" she began, "Remember what I've told you before, you need to look after yourself before looking after others!" Wendy shook her head, her gaze still on Mard as she deeply concentrated on healing his burn. "His wound if much worse than mine. Plus I think that he, along with Lucy-san, the Tartaros guild and Happy, will have a better chance of bringing Natsu-san back to his senses." She replied to Carla in a firm tone, causing the exceed to quiet. 

Mard woke up with a groan. "Mard Geer!" Makarov said, kneeling next to the injured demon. "Are you alright my boy?" he asked. Mard gave a weak nod, his head turning to where the battle was taking place. "He's- He's getting stronger..." Mard began, "Master is unleashing more power... as soon as all of his power is out.. no one will be able to stop him..". Makarov's gaze hardened, though worry was still clear on his features as he stared in the same direction as Mard. 

"So it's come to this.." A new voice rang out across the beach. 

The small group of Lucy, the exceeds, Makarov, Wendy and Mard all quickly turned around, their faces going pale and their blood running cold. Before they could utter a single word a loud crash could be heard behind them. The turned to face their front once again to be met with the sight of Natsu, glaring heavily at the newcomer while holding a bloodied looking Gajeel by the neck. "Gaje-" Lily began but got interrupted by Natsu.



Heyyyyyy, long time no see.... again... (please don't kill me..) 

Soooo, this stories nearly finished now! yay! but not yay! I plan to finish this in maybe one last chapter and then have an epilogue. I'm saying maybe because I'm terrible at mapping out chapter lengths and I don't have a definite view on what's going to happen, just a main idea, soooo yeah. 

Also got major exams coming up in about a month so I'm gonna study for them though I doubt you need to worry about that since we literally have like 2 chapters left.

Question of the day: If you gained 5 million dollars, pounds or whatever currency, what would you do with it? 

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