Chapter 3

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3rd P.O.V
"You haven't told us what?"

Nasty quickly whipped his head around, recognising the voice. Gray. Why didn't I smell him earlier?! Ugh I let my guard down! With him stood Erza and Lucy, staring at me, Happy and Zeref with concern, that is, until they realised that it was Zeref.

"ZEREF?!" Gray shouted in hatred, alarming the other two girls with him who realised it was the black wizard as well. Natsu was worried and panicked, he didn't know what to do. Protect Zeref or fight him with the rest of Team Natsu? Happy was also stuck in the same situation but decided to do whatever Natsu did, trusting Natsu's choice in the matter. Zeref didn't look alarmed, he just wiped the remains of his tears away and looked at Natsu, wondering what the Dragon Slayer would do in this situation.

Erza, Lucy and Gray looked as if they were about to strike the Black wizard but suddenly, Natsu stood in front of Zeref, looking at the rest of his team, excluding Happy. "I-I'm..I'm not letting you hurt him.." he stated, gulping his fears away.

The rest of the team was shocked at Natsu's actions. "Natsu what're you doing?! Get out the way!" Gray yelled. "T-this must be because of what Zeref did to him before!" Erza concluded. Gray and Lucy nodded, agreeing with the assumption. "He..Zeref-nii helped me before!" Natsu yelled back at the trio. They were stunned. Natsu called Zeref 'Zeref-nii'. They were all so utterly confused.

"I-I lied to you about what happened on that mission.." Natsu started out. Happy looked up at him, scared of what's going to happen. Zeref looked at Natsu in shock. If he does this..Zeref thought..His friends might abandon him for good..

"On the mission me and Zeref talked and Zeref told me the truth about myself.." Natsu carried on, explaining what really happened. "That could've all been a lie!" Lucy shouted at Natsu, thinking the black wizard may have tricked her Dragon Slayer. "Let me finish!" He snapped back at her, shutting her up.

"He..he told me I'm his younger brother." He said with confidence. He earned shocked expressions from the trio but carried on. "Im also.." he quieted down, not shouting but lightly saying this part. "I'm also E.N.D, Etherious Natsu Dragneel...." Natsu looked down, ashamed of him being a demon.

At this point, Erza had dropped her sword, Lucy had dropped her keys and Gray was frozen, still in shock. No way..Gray thought..he can't be..he can't be E.N.D..He can't be......

Gray slowly pieced the facts that he already knew about E.N.D to what he's being told now together. He didn't hesitate any longer. He lunged towards Natsu, preparing to attack. Natsu's eyes widened, he didn't expect this. Lucy ran forward to try and stop the attack but she was too slow. Erza, on the other hand, ran in front of Gray and blocked the attack with her swords.

"GRAY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" She screamed with fury.
"IM DEFEATING E.N.D!!" He screamed back, trying to get through her to Natsu, who now stumbled backwards, too shocked to do anything as tears built up in his eyes. Gray.....why...I-I thought we were friends..why did you...betray me..Natsu thought, tears now spilling down his cheeks.

Erza pushed Gray away with her swords and the battle of the duo continued, Lucy watching with horror eminent on her face.

Zeref had gone up to Natsu to check if he was ok but just received a hug and tears. Zeref's rage built. How dare he..How dare that vile little Devil Slayer make MY brother cry..He will pay..Zeref then looked at the crying Natsu. Now's not the time though..I need to take him away from here. Zeref picked up Natsu and ran away from the fight scene, Happy following them. They soon managed to get far enough away where they wouldn't be found, hiding in a cave, waiting for Natsu to calm down and dry his tears and cheeks.

"Are you ok Natsu?" Zeref asked, worried. Happy flew over and hugged Natsu tightly, worried for his best friend. Natsu sighed, then nodded slowly. "I just..can't believe he'd try to kill me.." Natsu stated, still in shock. "Aye.." Happy agreed sadly.

Zeref looked at the duo in front of him and sighed. " know that spell I did on you which granted you your memories..?" Zeref asked. Natsu nodded in response. "Well..after some time more memories will gradually come to you..and eventually you'll have all your memories back." Natsu, once again, only nodded in response, understanding that soon enough, he would be a demon.

"The process can be sped up by me as well but..I'll only speed it up if you want me to." Zeref explained. "Now..let's get you to Tartaros." "..huh? Didn't we destroy that guild?" Natsu questioned.
"Well, it turns out Mard Geer lived and was able to revert some of the 9 demon gates into their book forms but only Seilah, Kyouka, Jackal, Tempsta and Ezel are back, the rest were actually destroyed." Zeref explained. Natsu thought about it and smiled. "I guess since I am E.N.D I should go back to my guild." He then looked at Happy. "Are you coming with us or going back to Fairy Tail?" Natsu asked. Happy didn't hesitate to answer. "I'm staying with you Natsu, you know I always will." Natsu smiled at the exceed that was in his arms. "Thanks buddy..that means a lot."

They both then got rid of their Fairy Tail guild marks, sadly smiling as the memories they had at the guild were left behind. Natsu looked up at Zeref, "I guess you can give me more of my memories when we get to Tartaros because when I'm there I wanna act like their master and not just like how I am now, I know it sounds weird but they don't expect someone who kicked their ass to lead them, I gotta prove myself to be E.N.D and my memories are one way to do it." Natsu explained to Zeref. Zeref agreed.

"Off to Tartaros we go then." Zeref said.

Back with the rest of Team Natsu

Erza and Gray had stopped fighting when Erza managed to knock Gray out cold when she realised Natsu, Happy and Zeref were gone. Lucy was already looking for them.

After a while of searching for their lost comrades they decided to go back to Fairy Tail and report what happened to Mokarov. Once they arrived back at the guild, the atmosphere downgraded to depressed quickly when they saw the looks on the faces of Erza and Lucy.

Gray was brought to the infirmary since he was still unconscious and Erza and Lucy went straight to the Master of the guild, ignoring any questions they got like 'where's Natsu?', 'Where's happy?' And 'WHAT HAPPENED TO MY GRAY-SAMA?!'

Once they got to the masters office, they explained everything, about Natsu and Zeref, Natsu's past and what he is and Gray's outburst. Mokarov was angry, he was angry at Natsu for hiding it but mostly angry at Gray for attacking Natsu. He felt it when Natsu and Happy got rid of their guild marks and was confused, thinking it was some sort of mistake. But now he knew. He knew it wasn't a mistake. He knew the reason. And he was angry.

A little bit shorter than my other two chapters but every chapter is over 1000 words I promise! This one is 1270 words!
See you next chapter guys! -3-

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