The footsteps stopped ''Shit dude, can't you keep it in your pants for once'' Beer yelled.

Kla lays on Ice's chest also looking at the door '' Oh go have fun with Pan'' he said.

''I tried to have fun with him but he said he would rather wait a bit longer'' Pan's voice came from the end of the hall.

Both Ice and Kla looked at each other then sighed ''Everyone is here'' they said at the same time. Kla got up and fixed his pants then walked to the door way looking at Beer giving him a dirty look ''Your dead'' he said.

Beer took a few steps back ''Dude you kinda are creeping me out with that look.''

Ice walked up behind Kla and wrapped his arm around his neck looking at his face ''I think it's rather cute, kind of a turn on'' he kisses Kla's cheek then heads to the living room patting Beer's shoulder ''Careful he may in fact try to hurt you now.''

Kla walked behind Ice keeping his eyes on Beer. Beer stepped to the side and stayed close to the wall ''I have seen him hit Prince, so I believe he would hurt me.''

''As long as you know'' Kla said going to sit on the couch between Ice's legs ''So why is everyone here.'' He looked up at Dong and Bun who were sitting in one of the chairs.

''Bunny and Pan were worried'' Dong said. He looked at Ice and spotted the bite mark on his chest ''Geez Kla, that's going to scar.''

Kla turned and pointed ''Yeah tell me about it.''

''Just what the hell have the two of you been doing'' Bun said shocked. 

Kla shrugged wrapping Ice's arms around him. Bun looked down and saw the rings on both their hands ''Oh I see'' he said smiling ''That explains everything.''

Dong looked at Bun ''What are you talking about?''

Bun leans over and whispers in his ear pointing at Kla and Ice. Dong looked over then laughed ''Shit, now I see why Kla wants to kill Beer.''

Pan walked over to Dong and Bun ''Why?''

Bun pulled Pan down and whispered in his ear as well. When Pan looked over he sat on the floor and laughed then looked at Beer ''Oh your dead alright'' he said then looked at Kla and Ice ''Sorry we came by.''

''It's fine, I'm sure it won't be the last time he does something like that'' Ice said playing with Kla's hair.

Kla smiles then stands and walks to the kitchen. Beer still stood there confused as hell to what was going on. He looked at Ice then at Kla ''Ok what is it that they know that I don't'' he said crossing his arms.

Both Ice and Dong looked at each other ''How are you friends with him again'' Dong asked.

''Hell if I know'' Ice said shrugging.

Beer walks towards Ice ''Want me to kick your ass'' he said. Just before he reached Ice something was thrown right past it his face.

Everyone stops and looks at Kla who was standing in the kitchen holding a knife, Bun stood up and took the knife he had thrown out of the wall ''Geez are you really trying to kill him'' he said. Bun walks over and hands Kla the knife back to him ''Easy, Dong and Ice are here. Let them take care of Beer'' he said whispering to him.

Kla looks at Bun and sighs as he sets the knifes down ''Whatever.''

Ice gets up and walks over to Kla wrapping his arms around him. Bun smiles and goes back to Dong. Ice looked at Kla ''Whats going on'' he asked worried.

''Nothing'' Kla moved away from Ice waking to his room ''Sorry Beer'' he said as he walked past him. He closed the door him behind him. He walked over to the balcony and stepped out. The rain had stopped. 

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