Ch. 12 two identities, two crushes, one me

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The next day, marinette went to school with a plan. She had to remind herself of her feelings for Adrien and to do that, she was going to have to spend time with Adrien. So today, she was going to ask Adrien to hang out with her.

She got to school and her heart was pounding. She didn't think she would be this nervous. She took a deep breath and walked into school. She looked around the halls for Adrien. She finally found him in the locker room. She took a deep breath and walked up to Adrien.

"Uh, h-hey Adrien," she said, she still stuttered, but not nearly as much as she used to around him.

"Hey marinette," Adrien said

Marinette looked at him, thought about what she was going to say and took a deep breath.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at my house today. I know you've just got back but I was hoping maybe i could make things seem like they're back to normal, instead of all this kidnapping stuff," marinette said

Adrien looked at her with a sad smile.

"I wish I could but I have a photo shoot after school," Adrien said

"Oh, I understand," marinette said quickly,

"Would you like to come with me to the photo shoot?" Adrien asked

Marinette froze. She didn't know what to say.

"Uh, really? You'd let me?" Marinette asked

Adrien nodded his head.

"You're an upcoming fashion designer, so I'm sure my father will let you, and it would be nice to have some company," Adrien said

"I would love to," marinette said.

Marinette heard the bell ring and turned around to go to class.

"I'll see you later," she said and turned her head and headed to class.

Too bad she did, for if she didn't she would've noticed that Adrien's cheeks were now slightly pink.

Adrien wasn't expecting marinette to ask him to hang out with her, but he was overjoyed when she did, and now even though he had a photo shoot, he was going to get to spend time with Marinette, as Adrien.

The day seem to take forever, but once it was finished, the two of them met outside, and waited for Adriens car to arrive.

There was an awkward silence between the two of them. Both of them had so much to say, yet neither of their voices seemed to work.

When the car arrived, they both hopped in.

"This is my friend marinette. Father has met her a few times, and she's coming to my photo shoot to try and get some ideas," Adrien said

The gorilla just nodded and drove off. Once they got to the photo shoot, Adrien was dragged in hair and makeup. When he came out, he looked amazing. Marinette couldn't help but stare.

He was wearing a black shirt with an orange jacket and black jeans. (Image above 😜)

Adrien caught her stare and winked at her. The action caused Marinette's cheeked to turn light pink. She watched him pose in front of the camera. He was so photogenic, he was able to give the photographer everything they wanted. When the shoot was finally finished, Adrien walked over to Marinette.

"I hope that wasn't to boring," he said

"No... it was incredible actually," she said

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