Ch.5 The Guardian of the Miraculous

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The next day at school, everyone seemed miserable. Chloe was in tears, her mascara running, Sabrina was letting her cry on her shoulder, Nino was comforting Alya and everyone just seemed down. Nothing felt right without Adrien. during class, even Ms Bustier seemed to be affected by his disappearance. No one could concentrate, so Ms Bustier just told everyone to do something quietly. Mariners decided to draw a picture. As she was drawing, her hand went to the necklace she was wearing. As class had finsihed, she had made two pictures. One of Adrien, one of Cat Noir. After school, marionette for home and hung the pictures up. Cat noir watched her do it. When Marinette saw Cat Looking at her, she smiled.

"Hey cat! Are you hungry?"She asked.

She went downstairs and got him a ham and cheese croissant. When she gave it to Cat, he took it and put it in his food bowl, not hungry just yet. He then walked back up to Marinette, and meowed.

"Hmm? Not hungry? What do you need then Cat?" She asked.

Cat meowed again and jumped up on her desk. He then took down the Cat Noir drawing and pointed at it with his paw.

"Huh? Do you know what happened to Cat Noir?" She asked.

He nodded his head and meowed again.

Marinette looked at him before sighing.

"It's no use Cat! I can't understand you!" Marinette said.

Cat meowed again, but at this point he knew he wasn't getting anywhere.

Adrien was frustrated. If only he could get marinette to understand. He took down the cat noir drawing and pointed at it. She looked at him and asked if he knew where he was.

"It's me! I'm Cat noir! Something happened to my miraculous and now I'm a cat!" Adrien said.

"Kid, the only one who can here you is me," Plagg said, slightly annoyed.

"How am I supposed to communicate with Marinette if I can only meow?" Adrien asked.

He needed her help to try and locate his miraculous. It held the key to getting him back to normal.

Cat looked up and and saw Marinette looking at her Adrien and Cat Noir drawings. He jumped up and sat next to her.

Marinette felt lonely. Her trusted partner had disappeared, leaving her to defend Paris alone, and Adrien had disappeared, the boy who had stolen her heart. It was awful. Ladybug wasn't anything without Cat Noir, and Life wasn't the same without Adrien. Her life had been turned upside down.

"Cat? Promise me you won't leave? That you won't disappear like Adrien or Cat Noir?" Marinette asked.

Adrien meowed.

"I promise. I won't leave you Mari," Adrien said. He noticed she seems deeply affected by both his disappearances. As both Cat Noir and Adrien.

Marinette smiles and kissed his forehead.

At this moment, he was thankful he was a cat, it else he would be as red as a tomato.

"I can't believe Adrien would get kidnaped the same day Cat noir disappeared. How awful," Marinette said.

Indeed. Adrien was thankful nobody had put two and two together that he was Cat Noir.

"You would think one person in Paris would at least think the two could be connected," Plagg said

Adrien chose to ignore Plagg and continue to comfort Marinette. As it got later, marinette went on her balcony. Adrien decided to give her some space and didn't go after her. After an hour and a half, Marinette came back down. She sure was up there a while. Marinette changes into PJ's and then got into bed.

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