"Empty." ~ John Shelby

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"It's so fucking cold." Iris mumbled under her breath, looking over her shoulder longingly at the pub.

"You've already got me bloody coat and gloves, there's not much else I can do for you." John frowned and cupped his hands around his mouth to blow hot air into.

Iris smiled slightly and leaned against him slightly, knocking their arms together.

"You could give me your hat?" John scoffed and pulled her into a loose headlock.

"Oh yeah?" He dips his head close to hers and ruffles her hair slightly. Iris laughs and elbows him in the side. Once he lets go she shoves him gently before they both settle into a comfortable silence.

This is the kind of relationship they'd had since they were kids. Play fighting and constantly joking around. Iris couldn't remember the last time she'd had a serious conversation with John. But when she looks at him, something in her head makes her wonder.

What would it have been like had Tommy never noticed her.

When they were kids they had always been separated. Arthur, Tommy and Gracie all going into their own separate world. Getting to grow up faster and talk with the grown ups sooner. While John, Iris and Ada had been left in the mud, literally. Playing outside had been a part of their daily routine. Although this made her less susceptible to colds, it did make her feel a bit more left out.

Like when John and Ada would be caught up arguing, Iris would always glance inside and watch what the other kids were doing. Arthur sitting in front of the heath, daring himself to stick his hands closer and closer to the fire. Then smiling up at Gracie when she scolds him for being stupid. Her and Tommy would always be squished into the same armchair, reading the same book.

It was moments like those that Iris remembers when she looks up at Johns face. The Shelby freckles that he shares with his brothers, the long eyelashes that Iris always envied, and his blue eyes so similar to Tommy's. Moments like this make her realise how different life would've been had the Shelby's done what was planned. Arthur would've married one of the local girls while still visiting the pier on the weekdays. Tommy and Gracie would've been together and ruled together, the perfect business partners. And Iris would've been with John. The leftovers. The fighters.

Reaching out, John latched onto Iris's arm and yanked her off the Main Street. Startled from her daydream, she pulls away reflexively but he hangs on tight. About to protest she notices his expression and relents, only twisting so that he could grab her hand and not her arm.

Several turns later John had pulled them beside a phone box tucked into the shadows of the backroads. Glancing around he kicks the door open and gestures for Iris to step inside. Unease now starting to trace its way through her spine, Iris ducked under his arm. She barely had anytime to adjust herself before he was stepping in behind her and quietly pulled the door closed.

Heaving a breath of relief, John looked down at her through hooded lashes. Only then did she realise how close together they were and how small this booth was. The receiver was pressing gently into her back leaving only enough room for privacy, but not enough that if someone saw they wouldn't speculate.

Opening her mouth once more, John shook his head and reached behind her. Iris stiffened as the top of his collar brushed her cheek. Resting one arm against the wall behind her, he used the other to quickly dial. Once he'd finished he held the speaker between them and the microphone to his lips. The phone rang four times before finally picking up.



"Me and Iris have been tagged. Were already sat the bar when we arrived. Ordered a few drinks when they thought we were staying then left before the ice had melted when we went." John explained, looking up and down the alley as he did. Iris' heart sank when she remembered she didn't have her gun on her.

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