Chapter Eighteen ~ Tables and Talks

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Dark rooms.

A large house shrouded in the darkness of night.

A moving shadow was the only indication that something was there.


For what?

Percy didn't know.

The demigod followed the moving shadows. Through the rooms, the corridors, the passageways and up the stairs to the second floor. Percy could see the shadow and knew he should be able to see the figure the shadow belonged to in front of him but for a reason he didn't know the figure was obscured from his vision. The shadow froze for a second and Percy spun around to see a blonde haired figure with determined eyes wave a wand that burst with light. In that moment the figure became visible to Percy. A dark-haired boy shrouded in shadows that Percy had a tugging instinct telling him he knew them. The boy crumpled with a shocked look on his face and then-

Percy jolted upright with a small gasp. It felt as if somebody had tipped a bucket of ice down his shirt and he shivered, pulling his sheets closer to him. He was drenched in a cold sweat. Sitting in the darkness and waiting for his eyes to adjust, Percy tried to recall the dream he'd just had but it was already fading fast.

There was somebody.

Somebody I know.


But try as he might Percy couldn't recall it. There was a house and it was dark. Those were about the only details still open to his hazy mind.

Slowly Percy's eyes adjusted and for a moment he forgot where he was.

Hogwarts. A school for wizards of all things. And apparently, he was one of them.

What a busy month he'd had.

Percy's eyes strayed to Zaiden's bed, which was empty of any wizard and the sheets were thrown back. A quick glance around the room showed that there were two people occupying Marcus' bed. Zaiden was curled up into the younger wizard's side, tucked in under the covers and Marcus's arm was thrown gently over Zaiden. Both boys were snoring softly, sleeping soundly. Percy smiled faintly at the sight.


Percy began to think of his own girlfriend back in America. Where he wasn't. A feeling of nostalgia made his chest tight. The demigod hadn't had much time to communicate with her. After all, Percy couldn't very well tell his new wizard companions; "Hey I'll be back in a few minutes. Just gotta go message my girlfriend in America using mist and a rainbow!" Because that would play so well with the whole 'I'm-a-normal-human-with-no-involvement-in-supernatural-activity'. But now that he was alone in a giant castle in the middle of the night, nobody else would be up and in a place like this, Percy was sure he'd be able to find at least one quiet out of the way place.

So Percy climbed out of bed, ignoring how cold it suddenly felt and crept out of the Hufflepuff dorms without waking anybody up. And then he was in the corridors, the stone-lined walls with moving pictures and colourful tapestries.

However, Percy was unfamiliar with the castle layout and quickly became lost.

The demigod had only one thought in mind as he roamed the halls - the same ones he could have sworn he'd already walked through twice if that was possible.

Now Percy had seen a lot of things, but random doors popping up out of nowhere in the middle of the night was not exactly an everyday occurrence.

Could Hogwarts be apart of the Labyrinth?

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