dream on

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vii. chapter seven


"I don't believe we have been introduced. Name's Jason." He finished with a small nod and stuck out his hand for her to shake. She grabbed it and gave a light handshake and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you." 

She walked past him, narrowly avoiding hitting his shoulder, rounded the car and got in the passenger's seat. Jason stood still, expecting a different response. He spun around, ready to ask a question, but saw she had already closed the door. He opened his mouth in disappointment and sighed that she had taken the seat next to Dick. Stropily, he pulled open the back door and threw his bag in, his body following and slamming the door behind him. He looked at her in the top mirror and watched as she just sat there. Dick started the car and they began driving.

Jason's eyes flicked back and forth between the two front seats as a long silence fell over the car. Eager to start up a conversation Jason thought back to the chat from a moment ago. He held onto the headrests in front of him and pulled himself into the gap separating the two front seats. 

"So... what's your name?" He looked at the young girl to his right. 

Aware of how close Jason was, she didn't dare turn to look at him, so instead, she looked up to the rearview mirror and replied, "I don't have one." The conversation reminded her of the one she had had with Dick earlier that day, remembering his response when hearing the same words, she prepared herself for a repeat of that scenario. In the mirror, she could see a puzzled look wash over Jason's face. Instead of an outburst of quickfire questions, he only had one. 

"Why?" He asked, softer that she was expecting, an eyebrow raised at her. His voice caused her head to turn towards him. Her lips turned upwards as she gave a small shrug. Not wanting to repeat her earlier self, she turned to Dick, hoping he could fill Jason in on the details instead. Dick looked at the two through the mirror above him and answered.

"You remember the sandman legend? That's her." He jutted his head in her direction before his attention turned back to the road. That caused Jason to look even more confused than before, his face screwing up as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"...She throws sand in kid's eyes?" His voice laced with uncertainty. His reply and reaction caused the girl to laugh, a quiet chuckle escaped her mouth and she made no effort to hide it. She was having more fun than she had ever expected to have when she imagined leaving the motel and she had been gone less than a day. She decided to play along with the odd stories that had been created about her.

"Only when they're really bad." She tried to say with a straight face, but as soon as she finished a large grin was plastered on her face. Both the boys smiled at her, Dick pleased that she was enjoying herself, hoping she was moving on from the incident earlier, Jason not being able to help it. 

Once her amusement had died down, she realised that her lacking a name might not be helpful if she would continue to spend time with the others. "You could pick one for me." 

"What?" Dick asked, Jason, thinking the same thing. 

"Well... I just thought. If I'm going to be... helping you guys out more... it might be easier if I had a name, something you could call me." She didn't want to look at either of them, in case they were to reject her offer. Perhaps her earlier actions had deterred them from wanting her to stay with them. In the short time she had spent away from what was basically isolation, she had experienced more emotions that she thought were possible and that in itself was a new feeling.

Neither of the boys spoke, causing the girl to panic, even more, assuming they were debating how long she would remain with them, or how they were going to tell her that they wanted her gone. In actuality, they were both thinking of names for her, neither one having been presented with such a task before. This went on for a few moments until Jason broke the silence.


a/n - 20/02/2019

this one is a bit shorter than the rest but I really wanted to get another update out this week!

not sure if im writing Jason too ~mushy~?? I want there to be a contrast from when he (hopefully) becomes red hood, but im not sure if its going well, so please let me know!!

hope you guys enjoy this update! 

image from dcuniversesource on tumblr and curdog on instagram

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