come together

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vi. chapter six


She could hear the men grunting as they beat Dick down. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she couldn't control her breathing and tears formed in her eyes as the only thought in her mind was that she was letting Dick die and she couldn't help.

As she heard the synchronised sound of all the guns cocking, the sound of something metal hit the floor, realised a cloud of smoke around Dick. 

Dick fell to the ground as the fighting seemed to continue, dazed from the beating, both him and the girl totally unaware that a new person had come to their defence. One by one they heard the men's bodies hit the floor until the fighting stopped. 

As Dick regained consciousness, he stared at the boy who had just saved him. Them. He quickly remembered the girl and moved to go check on her, but as he lifted his chest an immense pain stopped him. 

"Wow, Dick Grayson in the flesh."The boy slowly walked towards him. "Nice to meet you, bro. I'm the new Robin." He stuck his hand out to Dick as an offering. Dick's focus flicked from the boy's hand to his face, taking in his outfit, much like his own armour, but newer, and cleaner. Despite claiming that he didn't want to be Robin anymore, that he didn't want to work with Bruce, he felt a sense of betrayal wash over him. Ignoring the boy's gesture, he forced himself to stand up and stalked around the counter to where the girl was, still tightly huddled together. Her breathing had slowed considerably, but she was still shaking just as much as she was during the fight. Her attention was on trying to calm down, so much that she didn't notice the fight had ended, and that Dick was kneeling in front of her, looking at her with concern. He reached his hand out to comfort her, startling her and bringing her focus back. Her head popped up and she stared at Dick through teary eyes, her face red. Seeing that he was okay, she calmed down more, but still felt horrendously guilty when she noted the pain that he was in, knowing that she played a part in it by not helping. 

Dick got back up slowly, trying to avoid causing himself any more pain. He looked back to 'Robin', who had been watching him interact with the girl. 

"Help me get him to the car." Dick nodded his head to Adamson, who was laying on the floor where he had been thrown as the fight started, his head resting against the window. As Dick and the boy picked him up and began moving him outside, the girl rose to her feet and trailed behind them.

"Man, dude looks dead." The boy observed, as he and Dick held him by his feet and dragged him through the parking structure. 

"Trust me, there's a difference between being and knocked out," Dick replied, silently wondering why the boy didn't already know that.

As they approached the car, they saw the girl already waiting at the car. Dick had given her the keys prior to getting outside, letting her go ahead whilst he and the boy took longer to the unconscious man through and out the building.

She leaned against the unlocked car, watching with a sad expression as they got closer. She caught the boys name, Jason Todd, as Dick had asked him, or as he also liked to describe himself, 'the new Robin, Robin 2.0'.

The boys placed the man on the ground and Dick moved to open the boot of the car, giving a small smile to the girl who was waiting for them.

"Hey, seriously man... it's an honour to meet you" Jason leaned against the car and held out his fist. Dick stared at him for a moment in disbelief before reluctantly returning the gesture, bumping their fists, and popping open the trunk.

"I always wondered what this moment would be like. Never thought that when it happened, I'd be saving your life." Jason stated cockily. Whilst he tried to lighten to mood and big himself up, he had left Dick to lift the man's body onto the foot of the trunk.

"So there's a new Robin, eh?" Dick wanted the conversation to be over, the boy was beginning to get on his nerves, but he couldn't help but wonder what had happened while he had been gone, and how he already had a replacement.

"Yours truly, in the flesh." Jason spread out his arms as though he was showing off and grinned at Dick. When Dick scoffed and turned his attention back to the more pressing issue - the body - Jason looked over to the girl he noticed was already watching him and he winked, causing her to flash him a confused stare and quickly turn her head away, causing him to smirk more and his ego to grow.

"Does Batman know you're here?" Dick wondered out loud.

"Of course, Bruce knows how badly I've always wanted to meet you. Pick your brain, catch a couple of pointers. He's all "Go for it, bro". Hey, let me grab my clothes. I'll be right back." Grabbing Dicks shoulder as he ran past excitedly. Halfway down the slope, he jumped to tap the ceiling above him as he was filled with adrenaline and excitement. 

Dick's focus turned back to the girl once again, but before he could say anything, she quickly spoke. 

"I'm really sorry, Dick." She was breathing heavily. "I don't know what happened, I couldn't... focus, it was like my mind went blank, but.... at the same time my head was rushing and I couldn't concentrate. I'm so sorry." She finished with a sigh, her eyes not meeting his as she was riddled with guilt.

Dick tried to reassure her. "Hey, it's alright, you don't have to apoglis-" 

"Yes, I do. You brought me here to help. And I couldn't. And I'm sorry." Her lip began to quiver before she could stop it. Her eyes flicked up to his face and she saw he wore a comforting smile. Dick shook his head.

"There's no need for you to feel sorry. That back there? It shouldn't have happened, you shouldn't have had to deal with that. I should've expected that and not have done what I did, so if anything, I'm sorry. I brought you with me to help, not to fight." He smiled at her once again. She took a deep breath and returned the gesture. No more words were spoken as Dick rounded the car and got into the front seat. As she began to follow his actions, she heard rapid footsteps approaching and spun around, revealing Jason in his 'civilian' clothing and a duffle bag on his back. He slowed down once he got closer to her and the car.

"I don't believe we have been introduced. Name's Jason." He finished with a small nod and stuck out his hand for her to shake. She grabbed it and gave a light handshake and smiled.

a/n - 18/02/19

FINALLY! I took waaaaaaaay too long to bring Jason in for a story that's supposed to be about him. 

also, I realised how often I say someone 'smiled' and re-reading these it's really annoying I'm sorry.

also also 200 READS WHAT THE HECK?????? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!

Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!!!!!! (I write these whilst listening to music so please let me know about any mistakes)

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wouldnt it be nice ⟿ TITANSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora