When we go back, we spot Willie and Marcus sat on a table, both looking pretty bored. We just drop on the chairs that are empty, Maria between Saya and Marcus, and I between Marcus and Willie, who looks at us amused.

"Ready to have the best fun ever?"

"Damn skippy."

"You're so uptight all the time. Have fun, unwind, Marcus. Be yourself." Maria says messing his hair and laughing.

"I.. yeah, okay." The brunette dismisses and looks at me questioning, I just giggle and put my hands up innocently.

"I want this to be fun. I want to have fun with you, guapo. Do you want to have fun? Can he have fun?" she asks the last bit looking at me.

"Not his keeper."

"Sure. Usually fun has less aggressive chest poking... or none." He replies, making her laugh and rest his arm on the back of my chair.

"We found a guy with some real primo shit." Saya informs them and looks dead in the eye at Marcus. "Give me your money."

At that moment, even if I was high, I could swear I saw Marcus's soul leave his body. I couldn't help but let a big laugh at it, he did get scammed. After he so cockily state he wouldn't, it was hilarious but Saya was not feeling it, she was actually pretty upset.

After Saya lecturing him about not listening to her, he tried to get some alcohol, but the poor thing was higher than us if he thought he looked the part. When he comes back, empty-handed we laugh at him.

"Don't be upset, acid king." I say laughing as he looks at Willie betrayed, who just laughs at him and shakes his head.

"I'd offer to help, but I know you prefer to score for yourself." Saya says innocently.

We stayed there for a little while, as a hippie came up to us offering some acid. Since Marcus had already been scammed, we didn't trust him, but he led us some free samples, and both of the girls took them. Willie refused, but Saya put it in his mouth anyway. She tried with me but after a really serious threat she didn't try again. I was not going to put at risk any information for an acid trip, there's too much in stake for me. However, Marcus being the carefree idiot he is took seven hits, and well, he was a little off.

So now we were outside, waiting for Billy as the brunette boy was hiding under the car, freaking out and too high for his own good. Maria and Saya were trying to get him to come out, but didn't succeed and they both turned to look at me.

"Like I said, not his keeper. I'm not playing baby sister, nah."

"He's your boyfriend."

"Messing around." I correct the Kuroki girl who sends me a dirty look. "Fine." And with that I get on the ground, and try to get him to come out. Soon enough, Billy appears next to me.

"Where the fuck were you?"

"Getting a blowjob."

"Nice." I chuckle at his boyish manners as he helps me get Marcus from under the car. "C'mon Arguelo, don't make me hurt you."

"You got a head full of drugs, huh, little guy?" Billy says fondly making me giggle at it. "Don't you worry; we're going to get you out of here. Get you to a bed, something to eat. I booked us a room. We're going to Big Top Big Top!"

"C'mon, grab my hand, yeah?" I ask as nicely as I can, but my patience was wearing thin. I smile at him when he does what I say and I sit him on the seat, as Billy who's the only totally sober starts the car.

The trip after that is nothing memorable, they all are in their own little fantasies, tripping away and giggling. I lean on the seat to take Billy's cigarette and take some hits as he's talking to himself, trying to stay calm.

"If you can't do it, I can do it for you. I know hurting someone you once loved is hard."

"I'll be fine. I have to be fine. I'm doing this for them, he deserves it, he does."

"Hey." I tell him, making him look at me through the mirror. "He does, he's a piece of shit. But you're allowed to be sad about it too. He's your dad."

"I hate when you're wise." He says rolling his eyes and passing the cigarette to the stoned brunette boy.

"What you mean "when"? I'm always wise." I laugh at it, making him chuckle before turning more serious.

"So why are you coming? The truth I mean."

"To help you, duh. And apparently to keep an eye to that stupid stoned baby." I say pointing at Marcus who's trying to reach for something on the air, making me shake my head.

"I know you Hela, you may not think so but I do. I know you're lying, but its fine you can tell me when you want to." Billy states making me open and close my mouth, not really knowing what to say so I don't say anything.

I stare at the view, seeing it passing and I start to think and, maybe it is because I am high, but I realize a couple of things.

Billy was on a quest to kill his father, kill someone who abused him for years, who pushed him into the hell King's truly was, someone who took away the innocence of that wonderful boy, someone who repeatedly hurt his baby brother and his mother, and yet, he had doubts about it. He had something inside him that made him come back to the good time, something that remembered him, he was just a boy.

But I didn't feel that. I didn't feel that "something" pulling me back to the moments my mother would tug me in bed, to the moments the three of us would actually act as a family. I just saw red; I saw her not caring about any of us. She never cared about my father, she wanted the power. She never cared about me; she wanted a way to make sure he'd never get away from her grip. She never cared about Henrik; he was just another tool on her selfish chess game. I did spare her life, but I didn't do it because of her, because of any emotion.

I did it for the chase, for the hell, running around without the protection the DuBois name gave her would get her even more paranoid, I did it to mess with her head before it was cut out. So maybe I was a bad person, maybe I was one of the things King's aspired to create, one of the things that poisoned this world.

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