━━ III

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LYRA CONSIDERED HERSELF TO BE FAIRLY SOCIABLE. She had a great relationship with Cabin Seven, being Sol's new favourite 'sister' and Lee and Michael's closest friend (the twins stayed neutral to her—they liked her and accepted her, yet stuck close to each other even when they argued the majority of the time) (their other siblings reassured her that they were like that with them too, it was nothing personal), them inviting her to practice archery, teaching her the basics of healing (neither of which came to her as easily as it did to them, obviously) and they helped her with whatever she needed. She talked regularly to the Stolls, taking up their offer of introducing her to the 'mortal lingo', including lessons on sarcasm, irony and pick-up lines (which were not going too well, but they were optimistic! She had at least mastered the art of recognising sarcastic comments). And they did not prank her again. (Luckily. That golden dust had taken forever to get washed off, and she could see a bit of a shimmer on her skin even a week later from the event.)

She even shared a few conversations here and there with Annabeth, the daughter of Athena, who she had called Annabelle on accident, given that was the name Dionysus had called her, and who had endured the subtle mockery of her siblings the second the wrong name came out of Lyra's mouth. The blonde was very intelligent, of course, and she had chosen to share her knowledge with Lyra whenever she could, something she was extremely grateful for, as there were some concepts she could not grasp on her own and Annabeth was kind enough to help her with them.

Plus, she shared a few smiles, waves and 'hi!'s with Silena Beauregard and Katie Gardner, the counselors of Cabin Ten and Four, respectively. It was nice to be friendly with everyone, as she felt quite happy after those small interactions, so she could say she was not someone shy.

She was, in fact, very good at socialising. She smiled at everyone and they all smiled back (with the exception of who she learned was named Daniel, a son of Ares, the one that had wanted to take more precautions when it came to her). She talked to someone when needed and they replied with the same kindness she gave them. She realised quite quickly she was a people person, and that she could engage in a conversation with anyone, usually ending in a friendship formed.

Everyone in Camp Half-Blood seemed to understand that Lyra was a bright person, friendly and soft-spoken, and no one had ever tried to cross her or anything of the sort (at least, for now).

Which is why she did not understand why she was being yelled at by a very pretty girl, who seemed to be crying at the same time.

All she wanted to do was to visit the stables and maybe pet a few pegasi, if they let her. She had not got any time to meet them, as she had been busy with the archery and healing lessons with Lee and Michael, the impromptu language classes with the Stolls and the make-up transformations Sol and her friend Aurora, a daughter of Aphrodite, did on her (those that ended in Lyra's eyelids coated in more colours than she could count with her hands) (she never took the makeup off until she went to sleep, so people could admire the artwork that the two girls had done on her face) (even the other Aphrodite kids stopped her to admire it, which is why she flaunted it around—they deserved it).

She was still getting used to being on the ground, and not on the sky, as a semi-conscious being. Semi-conscious, yes, because while she may have been an inanimate object before, when she was turned into a constellation she was gifted a soul, of sorts, which allowed her to watch over the Earth and its inhabitants. It was not the same thing as being human, of course, as she could feel and touch and experience everything for herself, instead of only watching and wishing to sense the emotions she so deeply tried to understand.

It was amazing to feel, she now knew. She could feel many things at the same time, and she wondered if that was a common thing in humans. Maybe she would ask Lee later. Anyway, she was still getting used to everything, which meant hours spent trying to correctly define what she was feeling, trying to remember all she saw, trying to take everything in, and not leave anything out, in fear the experience would only be temporary.

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