The academy villain

Start bij het begin

Xia Yu looked at Zhao Long with wide eyes, he simply trembled in fear, his face turning pale as he slowly fainted in Zhao Long's arms.

'Did you take a picture of the rape scene? Did you catch my face? Don't forget to blur out Zhao Long's face.' Xia Yu commanded 1314 who was still suffering a nosebleed from what he had filmed for his host.

[Yes host!] く(@Д@)

'Keep it for now, we'll have to spread it to when I start school.'

[B-But host, aren't you suppose to clean your name? Why are you dirtying it?] 1314 was utterly confused why his host wasn't fulfilling the mission.

'You'll see.'


The second time Xia Yu woke up, was prodding to his ass, he could feel fingers slathering something cooling onto it and Xia Yu jolted, his eyes opening and he quickly scampered away from Zhao Long, the pain on his lower half made Xia Yu's face contort in pain and discomfort. Xia Yu groaned as he slumped on the bed, no longer moving. Not like he could anyways, that guy was simply a beast.

"Come here." Zhao Long harshly commanded and Xia Yu stayed silent and with a trembling body moved towards Zhao Long. As soon as he was close enough he scooped Xia Yu into his arms, making Xia Yu stare at him in shock and bewilderment.

Xia Yu didn't make any sudden movement or sound but silently and obediently stayed still, his eyes never meeting Zhao Long's.

"How did you get here? Did you drug me?" Zhao Long confronted Xia Yu head on, while Xia Yu trembled harder, he shook his head no repeatedly. His eyes fogged up as he panicked.

Although Zhao Long's suspicions towards Xia Yu had lessened, it didn't mean that Xia Yu wasn't a possible suspect. Zhao Long's felt dumbstruck at the sobbing mess in his arms, he felt a teeny bit guilty for the fact he used his killing intent on someone that didn't belong in his gang.

"I didn't! I didn't! I don't know! I really don't know!" Xia Yu rasped out quickly, he desperately pleaded the panic in his eyes spoke the truth, he really didnt' know. Even though his voice was already damaged, Xia Yu talking without drinking a drop of water simply hurt his throat more. "I..really don't know..It's not's not me!" Xia Yu cried as he curled up into a ball hugging himself.

"It's really not me..wuwuwu..." Xia Yu continuously rubbed his eyes till they became red, his voice was almost inaudible from the damage and Zhao Long could only put the matters aside, putting comforting Xia Yu first.

Zhao Long didn't know what to do and simply pushed Xia Yu's head against his chest.

'You fucking bastard, if not for the fact that you are part of my mission, I would have already murdered you for raping me!' If Xia Yu had a knife now, he would certainly make a convincing serial killer.

[ can't kill a lead character...] 1314 sweatdropped. 'Either ways, Isn't killing people a crime though?' 1314 could see why his host was a broken character.


Zhao Long had booked the suite room in the hotel they were staying and brought Xia Yu up to the suite room at the highest level. Afterwards, they stayed in the room with Zhao Long trying to make Xia Yu open up.

Zhao Long didn't go school, neither did he force Xia Yu to attend, not that Xia Yu minded. Xia Yu played mute, not speaking and acting as cautious as possible towards Zhao Long, which had made Zhao Long quite annoyed since he wasn't used to this. However, he had no choice but to take responsibility and could only groan as he tried being patient.

"You don't want to eat peas?" Zhao Long sighed once again and received nothing but silence, he looked towards Xia Yu only to see the same feared reaction with his head down.Bang! Zhao Long slammed his cutlery on the table causing Xia Yu to jolt and panic to seep into his eyes, Xia Yu quickly put his guard up and stared at Zhao Long in horror and fear, his eyes immediately fogged up.

Zhao Long groaned, he had worked so hard to make Xia Yu trust him and sit beside him but now all that hard work was ruined, with Xia Yu once again closing up on him.

"Can you fucking act normal?" Zhao Long snapped at Xia Yu after holding his temper in for so long. "Look me in the eyes! Are you mute or something?"

Xia Yu's eyes flashed with a sign of hurt and blame, and that was when Zhao Long regretted everything, 'What was the point of blaming him? It wasn't his fault.' Zhao Long ran his hand down his face and took the apartment keys and everything before leaving the suite room, slamming the door with a bang.

As soon as Zhao Long left, Xia Yu's eyes turned cold, if this man wasn't needed in his plot, Xia Yu would have long get rid of him.

A/N must read

Sorry guys :( i dont plan on updating because theres an major error i found even tho i have 2 arcs with me. Thank you for all your support and those that pm me and even one fan who found me on instagram. THANKYOU!!!

Because of this i will post those chaps i hav with me and i might revamp them in the future bear with me for now :"

Thank you for your continuous wait and support!

Broken protagonist (bl)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu