Story 8 - First Day of Work

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"First day of work!" Casey shouted downstairs excitedly. Her hands quickly packed his lunch.

Sounds of feet marching down the stairs made her smile. Waiting at the end of it, She held out his lunch. While slowing down his pace, he shook his head then mumbled, "No."

Casey put down the lunch box and held out her arms. Staring at her husband, she never had no smile. He let himself be pulled closer to her. Feeling comfort and warm, he sunk his head on the crook of her neck and sniffed her skin, noticing her usual perfume. He hugged her tightly.

"I am scared."

"It's okay. You'll do great. I believe in you." She planted a kiss on his cheek and let him go. Before truly releasing him, she looked into his eyes and found them empty of joy and full of fear.

"Honey, I swear, it'll be fine." She smiled.

"I don't like the tie. It's ugly and crumpled and my shirt is in the wrong color. I want the black one, not the navy one I'm wearing. I look terrible. My glasses are dirty." Dennis complained.

No sign of an alter showing up, Casey was taken aback for a few seconds. Clamly, she reached out for the tie and carefully fixed it. "Dennis, it's okay. Your tie is perfect and the color of your shirt doesn't stain your charm and beauty." She paused while moving her hands on his shirt, trying to smooth it. Then, she exclaimed, "Give me your glasses, I'll clean them."

Dennis took off his glasses and gave them to Casey. She went to the room where they kept other personalities' belongings. After a few minutes, she came back to him and handed him the clean glasses. Dennis examined her.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Casey asked.

"You look perfect." He replied.

She shook her head in disbelief at his attempt of flirting. However, a smile grew on her beautiful face. Her twinkling pretty eyes met his. He also had a smile on. After a moment of gazing at each other, Casey took the lunch box from where she left it on, then handed it to Dennis who was now ready.

"You'll do great. I believe in you."

Dennis nodded then left the house, leaving Casey at the door, watching him walking down their frontyard. Taken back to focus, Casey ran to him and stopped him from turning on the car engine. She tapped on the window and it rolled down open.

"Dennis—" She locked her lips against his, a gentle kiss to brighten the day. "Kevin Wendell Crumb."

When she opened her eyes, she found him staring at her. A smirk greeted her. While his fingers stroking her hair, she said, "I'd love it if you can stay in the light for your first day at work, Kevin. You can handle this. I believe in you, always."

"Thank you for always believing in me."

Casey moved back after giving him a good luck high five. He closed the window and drove the car out of their yard. She waved at him. Thinking he would drive away, she was surprised when he opened the window again then shouted, "I believe you are an angel, Casey Crumb, my wife! I'll see you after work. I love you so much."

After saying that, Kevin spurred his car away. Casey was at loss for words. Fixing her eyes at him which was now nothing but a small dot, she laughed and said inwardly, "That complicated creature I just so happen to love more as days go by."

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