Ch.5: Suzaku's Trial

Start from the beginning

 Rivalz slammed a champagne bottle onto one of the tables. “Alright! Should we kick this off with a toast?”, he asked, attempting to uncork the bottle. Adelice shook her head as Nina started to protest about drinking champagne during school hours.

 Rivalz almost had the cork off when Shirley tried to grab it from his hands. “No way, we're gonna get in trouble!”, she yelled at him. Adelcie frowned, somehow she knew this wasn't going to end well. “Here Lelouch!”, Rivalz yelled tossing the bottle to him. Lelouch barely caught it before Shirley was already trying to grab it from his hands, making him fall backwards and Shirley on top of him.

 Adelice stared as she saw the cork come off of the bottle and toward Kallen, her eyes widened when she saw Kallen swat the cork but the champagne spilled on her and all over her clothes. No one said a word but just stared at Kallen.

 Adelice finally broke the silence walking over to her. “Let's get you cleaned up”, she said, ushering Kallen out of the room. She returned after getting Kallens soaked clothes with champagne. Milly frowned at Adelice as she shrugged.

 “I guess that wasn't the best 'Welcome to the Club' party we've ever done.”, she said handing the clothes to her. Adelice frowned. “Not really..”, she muttered.

 “Do we have any clothes for her?”, Shirley asked feeling a little guilty. “She can use some of mine. I'll go down to my room and get some.”, Lelouch said walking out of the room. Adelice watched him leave and sighed. “I guess we should clean up this champagne stain.”, she moaned grabbing some towels and cleaner. “I hope it comes out.”


 Lelouch walked down the hall with Kallen after he shower. The clothes fit a little big on her but it would do till her clothes were done in the wash. “I hope you're prepared for the crazy events Milly always plans.”, he said to her. “Yah what's up with that?”, Kallen asked. “Blame our president. You'll be spending a lot of time with her. Hope you're ready.”

 As he walked back into the ballroom he heard the TV on. “Lelouch it's aweful!”, Nunally yelled. “What is?”, he asked in surprise. Milly turned to him. “Prince Clovis has been found dead. The reports are saying he was killed.” Lelouch frowned and watched the Television as he saw people gathering for the funeral. Nobility no less, all coming to honor his brother.

 He turned his eyes to Adelice, who was completely still, watching the TV. I'm sorry Adelice... He saw tears start to well up in her eyes and he felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He knew when he killed Clovis that this would affect her but he couldn’t change the world without first going through pain. It had to be this way, there was no way around it but as he looked at Adelice brush away a tear from the corner of her ear he couldn't help but feel worse.

 Her other hand was clenching a white towel tightly, he could see her the knuckles of her hand turning white from how strong she was holding it. He slowly walked over to her and grabbed her hand, taking the towel away from it. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes and then turned back to the TV as she grasped hold of his hand tightly. He frowned as he could feel her shaking a little.

 “We interrupt this broadcast for breaking news!”, the reporter said. Adelice frowned. Now what? Wasn't the loss of her dear friend enough? She held onto Lelouch's hand tighter as the images flashed on screen. “The man suspected of this murder has been captured.”, she continued.

 Lelouch felt a pit in his stomach, his mouth going dry making it hard to swallow. “According to this report, the suspect is an honorary Britannian.” Lelouch watched as the man was escorted by military toward his prison cell. “What the-”, he said under his breath.

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