Ch.3: What happened in Shinjuku?

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 Shriley raised an eyebrow. “That's right. What was up with you yesterday? Not showing up to the meeting.”, she asked clicking her pen against the table. “Oh, well I-”, Lelouch started to say as he was cut off by Milly. “That's enough you guys. Let's not get sidetracked here. If we don't get all this paperwork done soon then we'll be in big trouble.”

 Adelice sighed, Milly was always so bossy. She suppressed a smile, Milly was just a natural born leader. How she wished they could push this back a couple of days though, she was not in the mood for doing this amount of work with so much on her mind. Adelice was brought out of her thoughts when Shirley yelled at Milly, calling her a pervert. Shirley was blushing and crossing her arms over her chest.

 Just as Adelice was about to join in on the fun the bell rang signaling the time for class to start. She slowly got up, straightening out her skirt. Nina, Shirley and Rivalz walked out first. Milly soon followed, leaving Lelouch and Adelice alone together. Lelouch stood and placed a hand on her shoulder.

 Adelice turned to him and smiled sadly. “What's wrong?”, Lelouch asked. Adelice shook her head. “Nothing.”, she answered. Lelouch frowned, “Tell me.” Adelice turned her gaze to the side. “I... I just want you to tell me the truth. It seems like you're keeping secrets from me.”, she whispered. Lelouch frowned more and placed a finger under her chin and turned her head to look up at him.

 “I always do. I wouldn't lie to you.”, he stated and leaned down, kissing her forehead softly, letting go of her chin. Adelice nodded and looked down again walking toward the door. Lelouch frowned inside. He couldn't tell her the truth, at least not all of it. He couldn't tell her about C.C. or his Geass. If she did she would worry or even perhaps want to help. If she got into the mix of all this then something could happen to her... he wasn't about to let that happen.

 He walked beside her, wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him as they walked to class. They saw Shirley, Nina and Rivalz had already taken their seats. Some other students had gathered around a screen, they were looking at pictures of some terrorist incident. Adelice looked away she didn't want to know about it. It was such a commonality these days that she chose not to look at it.

 “They used poison gas?”, a male student asked. “Man that's freaky”, another male student commented looking at the pictures. She was about to walk to her seat when her ears perked up at what the students were saying. “Shinjuku's only thirty minutes from here!”, another said. At that Adelice turned to Lelouch. “Shinjuku?”, she looked up at him quizzically. Why had Lelouch asked about that yesterday?

 Lelouch smiled softly, playing it nonchalantly. “I heard about it in real time from a friend, that's why I called you yesterday.”. Adelice nodded and looked back at the pictures. There were dead bodies laying on the floor in their own pools of blood. Men, Women and children.. even babies. Adelice turned and looked away, she didn't want to see more of the world she hated. It was too much. She looked up at Lelouch who was looking a little pale. “Lelouch?”, she asked softly. He covered his mouth suddenly and looked like he was going to be sick. He turned around and ran to the boys bathroom down the hall. Adelice watched him and walked after him slowly, giving him time to be sick.

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Bending over the sink, cleaning his mouth, Lelouch recalled what he had done. He remembered how the gun felt in his hands, how is half-brother pleaded to not be killed. At that moment it was so easy to pull the trigger but now the remorse was setting in. He had killed someone. Not only someone, but royalty and not only royalty, but a member of his own family.

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